百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Katto Katto Katto!

AKB to XX! ep42 131017.mp4 - 00005
NMB48 131009 N1R LOD 1830.wmv - 00004 RYUKYU IDOL 131012 カバー曲 美らドルオーディション - YouTube.mp4 - 00001
T-ARA[티아라] -NUMBER NINE [넘버나인]- M_V ver.2 - YouTube.mp4 - 00041 らんどっ!#94 - YouTube.mp4 - 00017
NMB48 131009 N1R LOD 1830.wmv - 00015


Nothing major, just wondering WTF is going on in the Idol world these days! It seems like our dearest Miichan started a new boom, one that affects just the Idol world and not only is it constrained to Japan but Jiyeon knows about it too all the way back in Korea! Hmm, T-ara have been in Japan quite a lot lately so maybe she got to know about it from there!

Any way, everyone is chopping off their hair like it ain’t no thing! Where gone has the feeling of girls cherishing nothing like they do their hair?! Seriously, there are way more Idols who I’ve seen chopping their hair in the last two months alone! Most, if not all of you don’t know about them so I didn’t post pics, like that girl from CKC….Yeah, you have absolutely no idea who C.K.C are do you?!

All of the above have done it within the last two months alone! Like, what’s going on?! I mean don’t get me wrong, I ain’t complaining because they actually look way better with short hair. I was really getting tired of Hinata-chan’s twin tails…um…that’s the girl from Ebichu whose first name resembles my Goddess’s and who is right next to Jiyeon above. I love Maachun short hair best obviously, Sakura’s was like a Godsend (Why have you waited so long to cut it!) and Jiyeon is a no brainer! It’s only Aine that I am half-half- on. Her ponytail was one of things I loved about her dances. It flowed really well when she danced and the style she decided to go for isn’t a point-getter….oh well…

Any way, yeah. I noticed this a while back but I decided to keep it to myself. It’s only when I saw last week’s Team N and thus Milky that I could not bottle it up anymore.

So, did anyone notice? And what think you of this new thingy! Would you cry if ur Oshi went aboard the bandwagon?!


The week so far

130609 NMB48 Nishi Nihon Tour 2013 at Orix Theater Osaka.ts - 00232

I’ve been trying to resist Akachun

130616 Nogizaka46 – Nogizakatte Doko ep88.mp4 - 00000

Something weird is going on with SayuMai

130702 HKT48 Tonkotsu Maho Shoujo Gakuin ep01.mp4 - 00013

I’ve been noticing a good deal of Sakumeeru lately…

Kirishima,_bukatsu_yamerutteyo.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-HDWinG.mkv - 00039

Gay subtext in a movie you shouldn’t watch

MV Nogizaka46 2nd Single - Ookami ni Kuchibue wo (Under Girl).mkv - 00036
MV Nogizaka46 2nd Single - Ookami ni Kuchibue wo (Under Girl).mkv - 00038 MV Nogizaka46 2nd Single - Ookami ni Kuchibue wo (Under Girl).mkv - 00039

Finally gotten around to the awaited Itou2

RYUKYU IDOL  大阪遠征3の1 - YouTube.flv - 00002

Natsuki’s jelly levels could feed a whole country

Smileage - Atarashii Watashi ni Nare! [1440x1080 h264 SSTV Plus HD].ts - 00010

H!P is still trying hard to win me over again, now with the help of smileage

130701 HEY!HEY!HEY! SP.mp4 - 00024

And I find myself wondering whether Sasshi is an HKT or AKB member!

I mean, she was even among the KN members and had their uniform too and not HKT48. I remember someone mentioning that now that she is centre, she is gonna be drugged back to AKB, I guess their speculations are turning into facts now.

Any way, let’s move on…

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RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00000
RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00006 RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00008

So, there I am just chillin’, enjoying my Ryukyu back-stage video where they are being asked their thoughts on the LIVE they just did.

We begin with none other then Aine and Natsuki (Who of course are together) then as we move on…

RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00009
RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00010



Wait, back up a little bit there…

RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00011



BUT…That’s not all!

RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00024 
RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00025

Later on as Kamenema, apparently that’s Aine and Natsuki’s ship name gotten by playing with their Family Names (Kameda and Nema) are practicing in the corner just the two of them…

RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00022


RYUKYU IDOL output 裏裏裏裏 2012_12_25 - YouTube.mp4 - 00022a


This is an Idol chilling room, right? Right?!!!

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Aitsuki, Mayuki Ver2?

琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00095 琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00096

Natsuki in the back.

Member 2 makes an entrance. Natsuki gives none. (We know that smile. AKA Fake)

琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00097 琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00098

Member 3 makes her entry.

Again Natsuki in the back…(She’s like, ‘out of my face gurl!’)

 琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00099 琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00101

Member 4 is up next and once again…Le Cyborg smile!

Note too that her eyes never drift to these members. They are stuck on the camera.


琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00102

Suddenly, something off the side grabs her full attention.

琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00103

Aine makes her coolaid entrance.

琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00104

Natsuki’s eyes…

And then her smile too is suddenly…

琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00105
琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00106
琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00109



My heart…It leaks with joy!

These here, Ladies and Gentlemen, are some of the members of one of the new small presence Idol group I talked about yesterday. They are Ryukyu Idol and they too seem to have some kind of Team thing going on like AKB. There is Team A, B, and C but I am kind of confused with them because sometimes Aine performs in the A team though she is in the back row in the one but she seems to be the Center for Team B. I am not sure too what separates the Teams, some times it seems like age as Team A girls are older than Team B girls while Team C seem the youngest. But then other times I think it’s the uniforms. Team A has Red skirts, Team B has the Bluish/Grey and C the yellowish (the one Natsuki is wearing) but then I see Natsuki and Aine in the same teams sometimes so I am very confused. But really, all new to the fandom always get lost in the beginning.

Anyway, this moment right here just hit me real hard. Natsuki’s innocence and her obvious feelings so reminded me of Mayuyu of the days long gone. Not to mention that smile and the way she Oh so stupidly is attached to Aine. I will be posting some back stage caps to show you what I mean later but this moment here was the best way to show this young love. Some would even call it puppy love but since there is just a year and half of age difference between the two, with Natsuki almost 13 and Aine just hitting 14, it’s kind of hard to call it that. But seeing as the MaiMikoto (MaiHIME) love was called puppy love despite Mai being just two years older than Mikoto, I wouldn’t put it passed labellers.

Natsuki is also very reserved for her age, so quiet which is how Mayuyu really was like in those early days. The AKB48+10 has just been re-uploaded on H!O so get it if you don’t believe me. In case one doesn’t know, that was the Team B show way back then, prolly started airing even before AKBINGO. Yes, Team B was the first and only Team to have their own TV show! HA!

Any way, going back to the point at hand, while Natsuki reminds me of Mayuyu, Aine is a bound of energy and total opposite of Natsuki. She stands out in all their performances and she being at the front in Team B performances (B…B…coincidence? me think not!) just adds to her brills! The way she lets Natsuki cling (sorry, couldn’t figure out a better way to say it) to her totally gives me the Yukirin vibes which then translates into Mayuki of days gone past.

In fact, in this very video when each member was asked to introduce the other members, it seems that the other members also notice the way she clings to Aine. This is the cap at that exact moment she was said to be a troublesome cling girl to Aine….

琉TUBE!!(前半) - YouTube.mp4 - 00092

Aine just smiles at the embarrassed Natsuki showing how she doesn’t mind it at all.

Like, how can I not ship? I barely know them and I am already hooked on them. And this youtube stream video was really great to watch. Aine is one gossipy girls. There was this part where she turned into one Queen B and started spilling beans on other members, beans that would never be spilled by any other Idols LOL.

I really am glad I went out of my way to do some research into these unknowns.

Totally going to follow them to see when Aitsuki (Aine x Natsuki)  end up when Aine finally grows up. Well, that is if Tsunku doesn’t pull another one and break them up too!

I has my eye on you, boy!Steaming mad