百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Oshii Plus Part I – Yukirin

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As it says on the tin, this is a new series where I post some pics of my Oshii from various related groups with other members! I am of course starting off with the Kami of Kamis and that is Yukirin of course!

Let’s get this party started…


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[Pics] It’s Been 84 Years…

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Feels like it since I last posted some Yukirin. But really, it is not my fault…completely. This group is…I don’t even know WTF is going on anymore! Well, at least Yukirin is about to do another Solo concert so I guess that’s one good thing coming out of this…hibernation period!

Though it feels more like a death period with all these girls graduating left and right while the company kills off many great projects while others are in suspension for some reason.

I feel for the other fans but thankfully, us Yukirin fans still have consistence and a reason to be here still. Seriously, I am so happy to be a Yukirin fan. Going through my gallery it shocked me how she has been there and done that with all these graduated girls surrounding her and then realising that she is alone now…with Miichan too!

Really, I am surprised she hasn’t gone yet! I didn’t think she would stay with Mayuyu gone but really, I am happy she actually goes through with her word unlike most! Her love for the group and Idols is really that strong!

Yukirin really is a gem among-st Idols!

Anyway, some more pics after the jump…

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Dear AKS,

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You know what you need to do!


Oh how I’ve missed thee! Feels like a lifetime since we last got a Majisuka Gakuen series, let alone one with her! Heck, it feels almost as long with Centre too! Seriously, I about broke out in tears seeing them again! And they took a pic together!

God, even frikkin Nacchu is making me emotional!!

Actually, aren’t they like, the only two major characters left from the original Majisuka Series? That of course is Series 1 and 2 that I am talking about.

The feels…

Great, now I feel like writing another Majisuka fic! And why not, I have had this urge to do a crossover between Series 1/2 and Majimuri. Centering on Black and Lily of course. Center, Kaiser and Eins as supporting characters too.

Damn, I knew I had it bad for Majisuka Gakuen but I did not think it would be this bad! I mean, it’s been literally years and there is no more Gekikara…


Speaking of which, who dares to wear Gekikara’s uniform! In the presence of Black to boot! I don’t care about the other characters, you can wear Maeda’s uniform, you can wear Sado’s uniform, you can wear Nezumi’s but Gekikara?!

That’s where I draw the line!

Speaking of, why didn’t YuiYui wear her Lily costume?! They should have a crossover with all the characters wearing their own but alas… This is AKS we are talking about here. Great decisions-making hasn’t been on the memo since 2012!

As for where these are from, the girls attended the #MUSICDAY event and I guess they performed either Majisuka Rock n Roll, Majijyo Teppen Blues or Yankee Soul, if they are adamant about keeping the original characters’ costumes.

While we are on the subject, I remembered that I have yet to write about Trouble in the Supermarket, the Majisuka Play centering on Black-san. When I get time for a re-watch, I will.

Anywho have a lovely Sat.


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Dear AKS,

You know what you need to do!


Oh how I’ve missed thee! Feels like a lifetime since we last got a Majisuka Gakuen series, let alone one with her! Heck, it feels almost as long with Centre too! Seriously, I about broke out in tears seeing them again! And they took a pic together!


Actually, aren’t they like, the only two major characters left from the original Majisuka Series? That of course is Series 1 and 2 that I am talking about.

The feels…

Great, now I feel like writing another Majisuka fic! And why not, I have had this urge to do a crossover between Series 1/2 and Majimuri. Centering on Black and Lily of course. Center, Kaiser and Eins as supporting characters too.

Damn, I knew I had it bad for Majisuka Gakuen but I did not think it would be this bad! I mean, it’s been literally years and there is no more Gekikara…


Speaking of which, who dares to wear Gekikara’s uniform! In the presence of Black to boot! I don’t care about the other characters, you can wear Maeda’s uniform, you can wear Sado’s uniform, you can wear Nezumi’s but Gekikara?!

That’s where I draw the line!

Speaking of, why didn’t YuiYui wear her Lily costume?! They should have a crossover with all the characters wearing their own but alas… This is AKS we are talking about here. Great decisions-making hasn’t been on the memo since 2012!

As for where these are from, the girls attended the #MUSICDAY event and I guess they performed either Majijyo Teppen Blues or Yankee Soul, if they are adamant about keeping the original characters’ costumes.

While we are on the subject, I rememberes that I have yet to write about Trouble in the Supermarket, the Majisuka Play centering on Black-san. When I get time for a re-watch, I will.

Anywho have a lovely Sat.
