百合 Goggles

Yukirin Is Love. Yuri Is Life!


Cheese Sisters [Trailer]

The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.43.833
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.23.592 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.21.491
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.17.899 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_01.02.995
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.37.166
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer [ซับอังกฤษ].mp4_snapshot_00.41.875 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.05.799
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_00.48.420 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.36.458
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.39.500 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.04.706
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.41.083
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.28.915 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.31.834
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer [ซับอังกฤษ].mp4_snapshot_01.35.309 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_01.29.458
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.35.115
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_00.15.283 The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.38.521
The Cheese Sisters - Official Trailer.mp4_snapshot_02.45.610



Is this is it, dear Readers?! Is this the moment that I have been waiting for! Is BNK48 finally going to grab my attention!?!!

A whole ass movie (I wish it was a series instead) about four different ships?!! Like, how can I resist?! Yeah sure, there is a reason why I still only know, like, 4 girls off by heart after all these years but I think this is finally it! I think They are about to get my ass to crawl after them and starting fangirling all over them like a maniac!

Like, seriously, this looks like legitiness! No matter how you slice it, at least two of these have already been confirmed by this trailer to be like, really yuri!! The bakery story (3rd ship) and the second chances one (1st Ship), if I am to be specific!

I of course, both being a masochist and also because like I said, I only know a handful of BNK48 girls, I would have gone into this for Jennis and Pun alone either way and sadly, it looks like the title it about them, seeing as Pun’s character is a cheese maker and you all know what the title of the movie is!

Oh well, I am covered by the other stories as I said and really, I am sure that Jennis and Pun’s story will hit me right into the feels as well!

This really should have been a series, to get time to love all these ships! As it stands, I am 100% sure that we will care for some and not all, as they will not have enough time between the four to flesh them all out!

Mah, I am sure the movie will be at least 2 hours long and sometime the more impact the story the harder it hits, if done right! We shall just have to wait and see!

Speaking of Jennis, she has another new movie, in which she stars with other BNK48 girls including Music, with more familiar faces  and in that, I’m totally shipping her character with Goy’s. Hopefully they survive that story because it looks like bad news bears…

ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_01.34.586
ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_01.36.750 ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_01.54.445
ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_02.08.143 ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_01.33.828 ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_02.09.368
ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์เรื่อง Faces of Anne แอน (Official Trailer).mp4_snapshot_02.21.703


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Oshii Plus Part I – Yukirin

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As it says on the tin, this is a new series where I post some pics of my Oshii from various related groups with other members! I am of course starting off with the Kami of Kamis and that is Yukirin of course!

Let’s get this party started…


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These Reverse Nosebleeds Aren’t Helping BNK48!

ONE YEAR - Official International Trailer (2019) - GDH.mp4 - 00;15;47.472 ONE YEAR - Official International Trailer (2019) - GDH.mp4 - 00;10;14.979
‘ตะวัน’ คือชื่อฉันเอง สวย มั่นใจ มีไลน์ป้ะ - ONE YEAR 365 วัน บ้านฉัน บ้านเธอ.mp4 - 00;06;51.857
ONE YEAR - Official International Trailer (2019) - GDH.mp4 - 00;42;04.388 ONE YEAR - Official International Trailer (2019) - GDH.mp4 - 00;42;26.891
ONE YEAR - Official International Trailer (2019) - GDH.mp4 - 00;14;27.060

First, it was those two movies with the girls I recently watched WHERE WE BELONG and SISTERS. I still don’t know what the first one was trying to be and I don’t think the movie even knows what it was trying to be about! All that build up, the whole majority of the movie hanging on the subject of Sue leaving for abroad but guess what happens in the end…I most definitely don’t know! I don’t know if Sue left or if she decided to stay! If she stayed, where the fuck was she in the end? If she left, where the hell were the goodbyes!?!  How did she and Belle settle things in the end!?

I was so pissed I didn’t even bother writing about it! Then there is the horror SisterS! Hell, even as Veena and Mora (BNK48’s Mew) are sisters here and Veena had it bad for some guy that only had eyes for Mora, for some reason it was ‘gayer’ than Where We Belong! Even the movie itself was very well executed and it did not take no prisoners! Idols in this? Fuck that, this movie was hardcore! The only thing that made it be ignored for this blog was because of, yes you guessed it, its poor ending! Looks like Thailand is joining the others in not knowing what the hell to do with endings! But the ending there was satisfactory somewhat because Dick got dusted, and despite the story and fate being against the sisters, one being of light and the other being of darkness, they managed to survive and I guess you can take the last shot of them reuniting even though they don’t show it happen!

So, as you see, I am still waiting to be pulled into BNK48. It is no surprise to all that know that China is at the top of the food chain when it comes to yuri! Those groups are in a world of their own! Which is really strange given that it is China!!! No other group, yes, not even AKB that has been here first, has anything on the gayness of the China sisters!

My God!

So then, it is this lack of gayness that’s keeping my interest in BNK48 on the very down low. And so when I spy something that has an inkling of gayness, I jump on it like a moth to a flame! Thus the fault is mine, getting worked up over some promo images of their new original drama ONE YEAR on twitter!

For some reason the official trailer was the last thing I saw and it hit me so hard I felt like knocking myself out! Before it the excitement was building! Albeit there was no subtitles so all I had to go on with were visuals but gosh damnit if Petch (Cherprang) and Tawan (June) weren’t shippable!!!

But then as the English subtitles hit I learned they were cousins! I was like, okay, I can deal with that, since at first I had thought they would be sisters given that this is a family drama! But in learning that I saw Petch softening to some guy and I was on pause again.

But then I learned that he would be her half brother given that their parents were looking into getting together! I let out a sigh of relief! But then the international trailer hit…

ONE YEAR - Official International Trailer (2019) - GDH.mp4 - 00;33;45.061

My thoughts exactly Tawan!

This is not the case of them liking each other before they learn of their parents! No, they meet because they know their parents might end up marrying each other! They fall in love with each other fully knowing this!!!

Yep, this show just decided to go the step sibling route instead of the cousin route!!!!


What’s even crazier is that you get the sense that their parents are even speculating about not being together because they will make their children unhappy, like…

I tried, okay? I fuckin tried! Someone just wake me up when BNK48 manage to inject some yuri in their veins…


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Fine, I’ll Do It Myself!

The internet let me down so I took matters into my own hands!

Seriously, it seems like everyone is slacking these days but thankfully, the internet still saves the day in the end.

After waiting for what seems like forever for these two movies to show up, I decided to just go ahead and buy them myself.

Will let you know of course when there is something worth talking about in them.


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Where We Belong [Trailer B]

Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 00;14;11.400
Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 00;25;03.140 Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 00;23;45.138
Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 01;03;28.379 Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 01;02;37.902
Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 00;21;09.427 - 00001 Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 00;22;09.753
Where We Belong (Official Trailer).mp4 - 00;18;26.302

So, it turns out it was a marketing decision after all, that the first trailer was from Sue’s POV (if you read my first trailer post). As we can see here, this trailer is from Belle’s POV and it is about Sue where as the first trailer was from Sue’s POV and it was about Belle!

And while we are still on the first trailer subject, I got something wrong then and that is that there was no boy issues here and while I don’t think they are fighting over him, there is still one and it looks like there will be a fight in that department too. The question is, does Belle know?

This might be a marketing ploy but it makes me intrigued by how exactly the movie is structed! Maybe it won’t have any POVs at all and this is just for marketing purposes! Or maybe it will be a three POV story like Fingersmith? In that we will have a part from Sue’s (Jennis) POV, then off to Belle’s POV and finally the third POV? Either way  I will take it!

The way the trailers are cut is really very refreshing and interesting too. It is interesting to see the two sides of the coin! Like, 99% of stories you always get one side of the story so I pray that this movie subverts and gives us two different perspectives! Just from the trailers alone it was really enjoyable to see how different the two think of each other!

Like, Sue is like, Belle is my best friend but everyone thinks us a couple, but Belle on the other hand is like, Me and Sue are more than friends! Yeah, Belle definitely has it bad!

And that means this is going to be brutal and painful, that is if executed truthfully because these trailers are promising one heck of a rollercoaster! What are the actual feelings between them? I mean their actions are kind of questionable but while Belle seems to think there is something more between them, Sue on the other hand only thinks them best of friends and seems to have something going on with a guy!

Yeah, this is going to be painful and I can’t wait for it to appear on physical!

Anyway, jump over for the trailer and some pics…

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