百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Rena–> Kojiharu–> Milky–> OgiYuka?

Takamina Produced Saturday Night Stage LIVE 2000 1080p.mp4 - 00433
Takamina Produced Saturday Night Stage LIVE 2000 1080p.mp4 - 00311 Takamina Produced Saturday Night Stage LIVE 2000 1080p.mp4 - 00545
170702 NGT48 チームNIII「誇りの丘」初日公演 Live 720p.mp4 - 00475 170702 NGT48 チームNIII「誇りの丘」初日公演 Live 720p.mp4 - 00460
170702 NGT48 チームNIII「誇りの丘」初日公演 Live 720p.mp4 - 00644
I Love This Song!

Yukirin has gone through more partners almost as much as Batman has his side-kicks!

Yes, I just implanted that thought in your head and it will never go away, not now, not forever! And as such it both saddens and makes me happy! I just hope she is not going to turn into Batfleck at the beginning of BvS in 10 years (get it?)!

This post though is about LOD performances with two particular partners in Milky and OgiYuka! I have wanted to write about that Saturday Night unit of Yukirin and Milky’s for a while but I totally forgot about it! Then NGT48’s NIII 3rd Stage hit and the memories came flooding right back!

But first, let me talk about the title and then we shall move on! Way back in the day (around 2010s), it was usually Rena that was the default partner to Yukirin, most especially in MVs! This of course oiled down outside that into the Majisuka Gakuen show, Shuunkan AKB and Mechaike shows and then some Concerts. Those two had a similar vibe that Yukirin has with all the mentioned girls, despite each girl being similar to her in a different way. For Rena it was more about their outer personalities. Also there is that fact that they were the same age! Seeing their age next to their names next to each other was satisfying to say the least!

Then there is this mysterious connection between her and Kojiharu! Mysterious because no one knows exactly what it is only simply boiling it down to their sexisness (These two have had to go head to head in the AKB Kouhaku more than once) but it goes much deeper than that. On the surface they are so polar they negate one another. Kojiharu’s graduation concert was full of this hilarity! And yet when you put them together they fit, if you demagnetized the pieces first of course! We have seen their combi enough times both in MVs and in concerts too.

Then there is Milky! She is perhaps easier to connect with Yukirin as they are both very known for being the Fish Masters. On Yukirin’s side it will only be old school fans that know this part of her side because she was basically the person that invented the term ‘Kami Taiyou’. She was the first Handshake Queen, proving that there is power in that event when she became the person that broke the Kami 7 wall and blew it into oblivion (was changed to Kami 8 soon after) when she too the 3rd position right next to Acchan and Yuuko because of the fans she garnered in Handshakes!

Fans, even none fans now of course know it was not a gimmick! She is always like that! TV shows, Theatres, Stages, Radio! She is always full of life! Which I think is the reason that she is no longer referred to as much as the Fishing Queen. Milky and Daasu are the prefect description of that term. And so Milky is similar to Yukirin in that way. This has also proven to be a reason to put them together!

The first time they were paired together was during Managu (Manatsu no Sounds Good) MV where the Elite were paired with the so-called Next gen (when is this next exactly?). Then Yukirin went to NMB Team N and then Milky came to AKB Team B and things escalated from there. Despite being hated by the Osaka fans back then and having been there for a short time, she got a new duet with Milky, a sexy new duet, where we first got to see her release the inner beast, with her grabbing Milky’s assets (And probably thinking of them before going to bed the following nights *wink*) in Heart no Dokusen*.

But all these girls are gone now! The obvious choice , always the first choice, Waifu Mayuyu (*cries some more*) is also leaving! But the Queen is still here and she still needs that partner to share her brilliance with!

Enter NGT48’s Ogino Yuka!

Before even things were made public to us in this decision, gears were already turning! Nay, even before this time the gears were already in motion! We go all the way back to even OgiYuka and Gatanee were official NGT members! I am of course talking about those two’s Baito Days where they worked for, not were members of, AKB48.

These two already met back then! It was after then, it was because of then, when the members helped Mayuyu get Yukirin a present (already tastes like chocolate in here) that Yukirin got to meet these girls and it was in meeting them then that she and Kitarie chose them as the starting members of NGT48.

Then skip forward and before the miracle of SSK2017 even happened, fate was already on the move! Yukirin and OgiYuka were already decided to be partners in the 3rd Stage of NGT48. The opening performance of which I have taken these caps from!

Then came the SSK where the impossible happened, once again! Now that I think about it, almost all of these partnerships have produced a kind of miracle! With Kojiharu Yukirin had her first Center position. While Yukirin was slaying Kamis in SSK, Rena was slaying Kamis in Majisuka Gakuen as Gekikara! And then here comes OgiYuka!

OgiYuka who came out of no where and not only made it into Senbatsu but she took, of all the positions, she took Yukirin’s previous position in SSK!!! Yukirin who had decided this time to not participate! Only to find out merely days later that these very two people are actually in the same unit in the new Stage?!!!

I was all kinds of shook that I do not even remotely blame the people who shouted of conspiracies because this was just so far out field it was abnormal! To me though things were not as drastic, as I have seen my Queen do some impressive things already! All I got was enlightenment! The heart-felt hugs during the Showroom of the SSK made more sense when I saw the two in their new song ‘Zankoku na Ame’!

Yukirin (And Kitarie) already mean so much to OgiYuka and Gatanee! Speaking of Gatanee, sometimes I even think of Gatanee sometimes I even think of Yukirin as her ‘pot of gold’. If you remember a certain NGT Stage where they played a game and whoever Yukirin picked from the random names would be the Center of Flying Get, Yukirin picked Gatanee’s name! Gatanee was Center because of Yukirin! And if you look here in SSK, as we know unlike NMB, here Yukirin has quite a fanbase in NGT so had she taken part in SSK, there is no doubt there would have been a rally to drive someone to the top and between the two the one with the most chance would have been Yukirin!

So, even if unintentional or otherwise, Yukirin not participating saw to OgiYuka breaking all kinds of logical laws! And before now I had never even entertained the thought that these two would be compatible in any way! But then I saw the performance. And I was crying!

Yukirin is like ‘The Bridge between the People’! With Kojiharu and Miichan especially, she broke the boundaries of Gens. With Rena, Milky and OgiYuka, the bridged the Families of 48! With OgiYuka, Moechan, Okappa-chan, the Kouhai can mix better with the Elite Senpai. And most especially with Mayuyu, she showed that same-gens don’t have to come down to rivalry! We see the fruits of this most clearly with NGT!

And it is at this very moment that I realise I have lost the point of this post! Oh well, I have a lot of caps for you all to chew on after the jump in regards to Milky and OgiYuka’s LOD partnership and I will conclude that I am all up for OgiYuka taking over as the official partner to Yukirin! Before this new Stage my best option was Yuihan but that thread seems almost pale in comparison! I don’t know what happened in that performance but something just clicked with me! Maybe some one will see it after seeing the pics?

Anyway, yeah, see ya around…

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The YukiMilky Has Sailed!!

AKB48 Takamina produced Saturday Night Stage 720p.mp4 - 00087
AKB48 Takamina produced Saturday Night Stage 720p.mp4 - 00081 AKB48 Takamina produced Saturday Night Stage 720p.mp4 - 00093
AKB48 Takamina produced Saturday Night Stage 720p.mp4 - 00109
drag me to hell nosebleed


ACT version fuckin where!!?!!

OMFG This Stage!

Takamina you Goddess!

Okay, I have tried to resist (God knows I have) shipping YukiMilky but every being has their limit and this is mine!

Where is my HD version!? I want to write about this pronto! This is just…OMG!


NMB48 11th Single – Don’t Look Back

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DLB e.mkv - 00073 DLB e.mkv - 00076
DLB e.mkv - 00082
All dem Yukirin! Maachun!! Ainyan!!!!!!

BEST! Just simply BEST!

You know, someone jokingly said that Yukirin’s position and screen-time in the Don’t Look Back single was better than her own group’s singles combined and after watching the PV and Team N’s MV, I am inclined to agree! And OMG did Yukirin slay both the cool ‘Don’t Look Back’ and the Sexy ‘Renai Petenshi’ like she had the blood of NaMBa flowing through her veins or what!!! But really, what can one expect? She is after all the Idol no Kishin! I sure hope AKS are taking notes and realising how so under-used and un-appreciated Yukirin is. All her songs are slow songs, she is always left to the back lines like she was some kind of back-up dancer! Seriously, seeing all those singles you wouldn’t think for a second that she was the No.2 of AKB48 better yet No.3 of the whole darn 48G!

She was so cool in Don’t Look Back, didn’t even look like she was breaking a sweat and of course when it comes to sexy Renai Petenshi she is gonna slay, after all, Kuchi Utsushi yo! I was right, this was the single to get and even the fact that I still struck out on getting what has to be one of the sexicoolest Yukirin CD photos to have ever graced the face of the earth

Gimme, me want!!!

The amount of Yukirin screen time in all three of these PVs (including the dance version of Don’t Look Back) was like God food! Not to mention that this is Yukirin’s last NMB single which is really sad! Her time of going all out is already over! And I was so looking forward to seeing her interact with the new Team N! I will never see her together again with Jo-chan and Natsuko now! Baka AKS, always getting in the way of happiness!

Then there is that delicious, delicious surprise PV that hit me like a train! I was like, what’s this? There is a lot of things on this DVD! 10mins? A making of? That’s strange, those are never on the Type A (which I got). So anyway I checked it out disinterested and even when I saw Nana staring with FEELs at a photo that I gave no attention to, nothing really jumped out at me until I saw that flashback of the girls training on the track and my eyes bulged! I had spotted Maachun! I could not believe it! Then the title hit the screen and I cheered!

Sorry Mirurun but when I found out that Nana was not solemnly staring at that photo just because she broke her leg and was sad that she would not get to compete with her friends but rather that she was thinking of Maachun, even going so far as to give us cool Maachun in a flashback, everything else about this PV disappeared and all I saw was Maachun, and Nana and Shinkirou!

I am telling you, with my copy arriving and getting to watch Seishun no Lap time, add in those Draft Meeting from last year clips shown on last night’s AKBINGO, all I was seeing yesterday was AKS mistakes! Their mistake of taking Maachun out of Team N and NMB as a whole and getting the Draftees out of their Teams!!!! Doesn’t anyone in that Management see these and feel the guilty weighing on them? Don’t they see their mistakes?!!

In addition to delicious Maachun (who was missed by Milky too BTW), we also got to see Ainyan!! I think my faced melted right off with how much I was smiling when she appeared! This PV was like a gift from God and I am taking this cd, sealing it away and keeping it until the end of all time!

I didn’t even realise how much I liked Nana until this single! More specifically until the Lap time PV! Then I thought of Shinkirou and the FEELs hit me from every angle! Now of course Nana was brilliant in Don’t Look Back, nay, she shone the most but that Lap Time PV was in a league of its own! I am going to miss her!

And now Maachun has been taken out of Team B, which means the distance between her and I is increasing since I don’t watch Team A stages that often but seeing as now Team A has two of my 5 Kamis (Sakura and Maachun) and Team B has been reduced from three to one (Ikoma-kun and  Maachun out) I might be watching more Team A stages, especially if those two appear as often and really, Team B stages without Yukirin are kind of less delicious! Especially now that Sayaya won’t be there as well. Seriously, I am beginning to think that AKS and I are natural born enemies! I watched those new Draftee videos and frankly there was no one that could ever replace Sayaya! Maybe my mind will change during the actual event but I doubt it that much, now that the point behind the whole thing has been rendered meaningless by those Devils!

Any who, jump over for caps galore of these PVs. No need to point out that Yukirin will dominate of course…

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So, Majisuka Gakuen 4

150119 Majisuka Gakuen 4 ep01.ts - 00034
150119 Majisuka Gakuen 4 ep01.ts - 00024 150119 Majisuka Gakuen 4 ep01.ts - 00026
150119 Majisuka Gakuen 4 ep01.ts - 00040

A little bit about this season in general first of all. Exactly what is it?

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