百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Fic – Triple Hearts [Yukirin/Yuria/Miion]


What, it had to be done! I got the idea the instant I saw this photo, which was like two months or so ago! At first it was written as a YukiMion fic but then one day I had a dream and it was enough to get me over my hate for Threesomes, just this once. Anyway I don’t really consider this a threesome since not all three know what is happening. Do let me know what say you.

A picture is worth 1000 words indeed!

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[Green Flash] Awesome Centers are Awesome!

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They even got the Capes of Badassadery!!!!

Well they are not capes in the definition of the word but you get the drift! And Yukirin of course had to get the see-through because ‘Yukirin legs’! Unless absolutely necessary, Yukirin’s legs are to be bare, said a rule that wasn’t written but is known to every costume designer ever! Seriously, I was totally in love with the first costumes but these new ones, Jesus! Too bad this was not a cool song as opposed to it being a sad song about partings (graduation) which means I can’t see SRS Yukirin. We all know she takes everything seriously and she will put on the emotions required for the job so while I would have loved to see her Badass side I have to settle for the somewhat sad Yukirin, even though she smiles in her sadness. Oh well, there is NMB’s single and she totally kicking butt (literally) and taking names over there so I am covered in the SRSly badass Yukirin department!

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So, Majisuka Gakuen 4

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A little bit about this season in general first of all. Exactly what is it?

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