百合 Goggles

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Fic – 5 Shades of Black [Yukirin/?]

yukirin_sakuratan yukirin_maachun
yukirin_mayuyu yukirin_akarin
5 Shades of Black
A Yukirin/Rena,Sakura,Maachun,Mayuyu,Akarin Fan Fic

I found something strange on my HDD and I figured I might as well share it. I am not sure what it is exactly supposed to be. From what I know, there was supposed to be 25 of these but apparently there is only five of them. It seems they are drabbles of Yukirin with another girl. Seeing as three of them are my Kamis, it got my attention so  figured it might get your curiosity as well.

The first part seems to be with Matsui Rena, the next Miyawaki Sakura, the third Ogasawara Mayu, the fourth is Watanabe Mayu and the fifth is with Yoshida Akari.

It seems like they were written in a way that they are a part of a bigger picture. This means if anyone ever feel like it they might expand on them. We shall see, we shall see!

Anyway if interested, do read on…

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