百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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Okay, But Ribbon From Who?!

=LOVE(イコールラブ)/桜の咲く音がした Music Video 【YouTube ver.】.mkv_snapshot_03.09.451
=LOVE(イコールラブ)/桜の咲く音がした Music Video 【YouTube ver.】.mkv_snapshot_01.23.264 =LOVE(イコールラブ)/桜の咲く音がした Music Video 【YouTube ver.】.mkv_snapshot_03.20.828
=LOVE(イコールラブ)/桜の咲く音がした Music Video 【YouTube ver.】.mkv_snapshot_03.07.745 =LOVE(イコールラブ)/桜の咲く音がした Music Video 【YouTube ver.】.mkv_snapshot_02.48.125
=LOVE(イコールラブ)/桜の咲く音がした Music Video 【YouTube ver.】.mkv_snapshot_03.26.042

=LOVE – Sakura no Saku Oto ga Shita

Maybe I should have added this to the long series of Hitomaika? Maybe but something was lacking and that is of course clear cut relationship between Hitomi and Maika here, my top ship for the group!

Spring is of course here and this single is rightfully themed for Spring, which is when graduations happen in Japan! Speaking of I guess this is a missed opportunity to have that love story centred on that inevitable separation, though I guess they had to read the room given but still, I am sure fans can tell the difference between fiction and reality.

Anyway, I loved too that Maika is finally coming back to her position, actually, this is like someone read my misgivings about the latest singles and how Maika has been relegated to lower positions! I guess they took the right message from how her B-side centred song performed from the previous single. Now we are back to the original three and I might just be projecting but it seemed to me Maika had a super high screen time count in here, if not the most!

Of course I wish there was more to the story especially the nekoze band members and especially Hitomi and Maika because come on, there is definitely something there!

Question is though, who is that ribbon, that plays a big part in the story, from?! I mean, I am already instilling my own logic here but a sure answer would have been fine!

I guess this is why Fan Fiction exists, huh! To feel in the gaps like these! You could just insert your own threads where the pieces are missing!

Seriously though, It’s been single since we got a yuri MV from you =LOVE (And you AKB48), so get with the programme and do something about it!

At least =LOVE is trying though and they already won me over with the step up in quality with these 4K MV releases! Meanwhile AKB…Eh, let’s not beat that drum just yet, eh…


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Hitomaika IX – Her Existence!


Quiz: What she (Hitomi) loves about Sasaki Maika?


Hitomi: Her existence!


Maika: Thank you~

髙松瞳のことを一番良く知るのは誰?第1回髙松王!!.mp4_snapshot_13.43.544 髙松瞳のことを一番良く知るのは誰?第1回髙松王!!.mp4_snapshot_13.44.872

Hitomi: That HA in Diamond Lily (Maika’s answer)…I Love it!

髙松瞳のことを一番良く知るのは誰?第1回髙松王!!.mp4_snapshot_13.50.366 髙松瞳のことを一番良く知るのは誰?第1回髙松王!!.mp4_snapshot_13.54.645

But I love that you more…Just you existing is enough!


Maika: Totally happy!

Excuse me, police? I wish to report a crime!


Like, how is that allowed!?!

I swear, if the answer to her most memorable =LOVE moment was Maika’s comeback 2nd Anniversary concert, I would have been so deaded! And it still might be! She said she forgot and that all she remembers is crying a lot so my money is on that! I mean, it could have been easy to pick Anna’s answer (their first TIF – Tokyo Idol Festival – appearance in 2017) but she did not!

Very suspicious!

Seriously though, who gives that kind of answer?! Liking somebody because they simply exist is…is..like there is nothing else that it could be!!!

My week has been slow and this definitely put some spice into it! As to what this is, it’s a small video on =LOVE’s official YouTube channel and the theme was to find out who is the Hitomi King! AKA, who knows more about Hitomi!

I already knew Maika would not win, and kind of surprised Anna lost! My money was on her! During the last episode of Maika’s radio where Risa was a guest (fuckin finally!!!) she had a similar quiz about Risa and she failed it miserably so I figured she would do the same here!

Speaking of Risa and Maika, they are like my Yukirin/Rena version of =LOVE but for some reason they never got to do anything together! You know this Ikotaimu series they do where two members host an episode together? For some reason these two seemed cursed by the universe itself! They could have met at least three times but for the first two fate was against them! The first one Risa was sick so she could not make it (even though we got Maika/Kiara goodness instead) and the second time of course it was the pandemic so they had to do it remotely! Here’s to hoping they get another chance now that things are back to normal and I have learned that Maika is having a Risa boom currently so all is good I guess!

But that makes things a bit exciting given that now Hitomi is back and she had brought a damn bazooka to a knife fight damn it! I knew I was in for some goodness now that she is back but this is too much too soon! Damn, I hope Sasshi and the Managers are watching this and writing down tips for the next single! It’s been forever since we got a yuri themed single!

Please God!


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Hitomaika VIII – Welcome Back Hitomi!

=LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_02.48.947
=LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_01.26.439 =LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_01.49.260
=LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_01.50.767 =LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_03.33.225
=LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_02.49.757 =LOVE(イコールラブ) _  青春”サブリミナル”【MV full】.mkv_snapshot_05.13.317

tenor (26)

Yes! Looks like we are back on the menu Bois and Gals!

It sure feels like it’s been 84 years without these two, hasn’t it!!? For sure though,  I thought for a moment there that Hitomi would not be back, given what happened this year and girls graduating left and right but my fears were for naught!

Hitomi was like, screw 2020, I am back Babes!

Seriously, my life in 2020 is so good I am starting to feel guilty for all the happiness I am feeling!

If this feels like deja vu, it’s because it is deja vu. I have already in fact done a Welcome Back Post in this series but that was for Maika. Yeah, right after she came back, Hitomi then decided to take a page out of Maika’s book and also go on break!

I nearly posted about that but I was too shook I couldn’t find the energy! In fact after she left I haven’t posted anything =LOVE related even if I had content. Content that even contained my betrayal for Hitomaika in that I was starting to look at other Maika ships!

Thank the Lord I persevered!

And just like when Maika came back…

mh (1)hitomaika3

…and the two went on the date, the very night that they had that concert by the way, this time too Hitomaika went on another date. This time it was a dinner date!

Like, I can’t even!

This date actually hit me harder because I was feeling a bit down since we did not get any lovely photos of the two during the return concert for Hitomi like we did for Maika. Seriously, those were some lovely pics! In fact I am going to change my header to that!

So yeah, it was a bit of a let down to not get any photos of the two together but this date totally made up for it, especially since I thought that we would not get that too! But we did and I am so happy! I can’t wait for more content of the two and put my heart back in its right place as I have been starting to wander, like I said!

But unfortunately things aren’t quite the same as they were before! Those caps you see above are from their latest single and sadly, the formation is not the same anymore! I really thought =LOVE was above all the pandering but I guess not! I thought we would be back to the original top three in Hitomi centre flanked by Maika and Nagisa but alas, Maika has been replaced by Emiri! Oh well, we still got formation where Hitomi was front of Maika and Maika in front of Hitomi and I am sure eventually we will get back to it!

No, I am not digging Maika/Iori! They are the SaeYuki to my Mayuki!

Anyway, it’s so good to have these two back and now we can continue on with the Hitomaika series! Now just praying for some content of the two while I go back and dig out that other content of Maika being shipped with someone else I was talking about!

Until then, have a good Friday!


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=LOVE – Iranai Twintail [MV]

=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 00;53;21.500
=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 00;53;52.896 =LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 01;48;49.450 - 00001
=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 01;19;27.860 =LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 01;04;13.737
=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 00;35;38.343
=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 00;24;28.646 =LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 00;28;38.455
=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 01;18;40.940 =LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 01;24;09.710
=LOVE (Equal Love) - Iranai Twintail.mp4 - 01;49;53.222
=LOVE – いらない ツインテール

Hitomaika with rings. Yuri. Gothic and Punk! Twintail Lolis! Sexiness! Kickass Track!

What’s not to like about ‘Iranai Twintail’ – The coupling track on their 5th Single – Sagase Diamond Lily?!

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Hitomaika Deja-vu


So, on =LOVE’s official twitter account, they announced that Hitomaika and Iori were appearing on a radio show and the image they used, while I saw what I wanted to see for a while (duh), when I managed to look past that I couldn’t help but notice.

The image basically reps these three’s relationship in their Single – Teokure CAUTION! Maika is in the middle and the other two are facing her, showing both of their love for her in the MV. And Maika is facing Hitomi, just as in the MV where she chose her in the end over Iori. Maika and Hitomi are facing each other and thus are the couple, as per MV, actually, the only couple in that MV, well, yuri couple! The only other couple was the Miria/Teacher thing but since the girls find out about it towards the end, I am pretty sure that won’t end well!

Anyway, more Hitomaika content is always appreciated and actually, there are a few showroom shows I need to watch that might give me more of Hitomaika so, with that being said…
