百合 Goggles

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[Pics] Team B – Kawaii dake ja nai Concert

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Source of images @modelpress

So, yesterday Takahashi Team B (That would be Takahashi Juri to the newbies, welcome by the way) had their solo concert leading up to the Request Hour of this year. In case no one knows, Yukirin is everything to me and of course that would mean that Team B comes with the territory as my favourite Team.

This time around though there are a lot of girls and I have to confess that I am not yet familiar with all of them, especially the new Team 8 (I know the first gens) and the KKS girls! But I am getting there and having watched a few stages and the new Concert releases, I am getting there!

I am not sure if I talked about this new Team before. Usually I talk about all new Team B formations so I am going to briefly mention my thoughts on this new Team and might get back to it later once I have gotten to know all the girls. And sadly the team has already lost girls. Miyu is gone and Hiichan is off to Korea for two years as a member of I-ZONE but at least they left behind one performance with all the rest in that first performance during the ‘Jaabbajaatte nani?”  concert.

I was of course saddened too that Rei-chan left and that Sayaya did not come back cause I still don’t understand the reasons for the Team Ballots if the members we going to be shifted to different teams later on anyway! I guess it could be worse, Yukirin could have been transferred out of Team B, which as of now, that would be a crime against the Universe and I am sure that it would fight back to right that wrong and bring balance back to life!

What’s done is done so I loved on to appreciate the new Team and the first thing I was happy about was Juri! I really loved her and Yukirin’s interactions during, what I like to call Yukirin’s 2nd stage (after B5 – Theatre no Megami) which most know as SS7! Just search for SS7 on Aidoru!Online in case you want that stage! I really love SS7 and correct me if I am wrong but it is not over yet, right? There hasn’t been a Last Performance stage for it, right? I really love that stage, especially LOVE TRIP! Yukirin nails that song so hard!

So when Juri came over to Team B, and not only that but she is the captain, I was really happy. I wanted to see their continued chem and bickering! In terms of people, the other choice I was really happy about was Megu! I have a really soft spot for that girl! And especially when she is paired with Yukirin. Which of course means that you won’t be surprised when I say that I got into her after I saw her and Yukirin’s Temo Demo Namida. They have an energy to them that is kind of similar! Just look at the pics above!

Another great thing about this new team, is actually in the title they chose for this concert. They are not only cute (which is an image that has been long associated with Team B, no matter the members) but they are much more this time around! Not only do we have Oya Shizuka but we have Nakanishi Shiori as well! That there is the comedians and Yukirin and Juri fall a little in that department! In addition, a lot of the girls are mature which gives it that mature and sexy identity as well. In addition to that, they have also added girls to give it that cool factor, mostly from Team 8 but looking at the images from yesterday’s concert, most of them just need the reason and they have their game faces on!

Speaking of, they apparently performed BEGINNER, RIVER and NO WAY MAN! in succession! Talk about over-tuning expectations! Of course they are cute too, this is Team B we are talking about! It can turn anyone cute! To think that the eldest member on AKB48 is in this team, and that she is still the staple of Idol image…hehehe

I am loving this team as time goes by and I can’t wait for this concert to drop! Now if you will forgive me, I am off to watch their Stage that came with the Concert Blurays so I can enjoy Theatre no Megami 2.0 in full quality!


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Happy Easter Everyone!

Takahashi Team B

Seeing those pics from today’s AKB concert really puts a smile on my face! I dare not believe nor have false hope because this is probably PR and Yukirin isn’t new Team B’s center (most especially with other teams having their centers center) but oh, it feels so gud! It looks so Team B that I am surprised I am surprised! I mean Yukirin is there! She is like the physical form of Team B’s soul! It is as if it’s now in her blood. Oh wait…(yes, she is blood type B as well)

Anyway now that I am almost done with Nogi, time to invest back in AKB and some other groups. =LOVE, STU48 and KKZ46 are calling! For now I better get back to AKB and savour the limited time I have with Yukirin because when she goes, that’s the end of the line for me as well in the Idol world.

The new Team Stages start in June, if I got it correct and once again Team B is getting to go last >_> almost towards the end of the month. Oh well, good things come to those who wait and all that! I really can’t wait to see this new Team and how they interact. I can’t wait to see Hitomi-chan join Juri-chan in teasing the heck out of Yukirin! Will Happiness lose her bullied character to Yukirin’s bullied character? How are these new girls personality-wise? How is our very own Harima-chan? What of the two lolis from Team A? Megu-chan is here to stay (after performing Temo Demo with Yukirin) so will she be paired with Yukirin in units? Will the Juri/Yukirin dynamics from Yukirin’s Stage (SS7) spill over? (Obviously but still)

Ah the anticipation is killing me!

And then there is the wait for this concert to drop publicly…

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Nemousu S21 ep 01 – Mayuki? But of course!

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160221 AKB48 Nemousu TV Season 21 ep01.ts - 00032 160221 AKB48 Nemousu TV Season 21 ep01.ts - 00012
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Is there even a need to say more about Mayuki in this day and age?! I think not! But even if the need is not there, I will be damned if I do not talk about them! With BuraGeki (Black x Gekikara) no more, Mayuki is now my Mothership!

That’s right, Mayuki were not my 48G favourite ship before. And that is not just on me. Truthfully, there were more viable ships than Mayuki a couples years back before Majisuka Gakuen! Back then there was just something between Mayuki that stopped them from going all the way. Actually I think separating them (Mayuyu to Team A) was what the Doctor ordered to fully seed their relationship. Before that announcement there was always this invisible wall between them but no more.

And since then they have grown closer as the time passed, which is really strange. Usually when people who are close start building walls between themselves as they grow up/as time passes but not Mayuki! No, they are just taking the opposite direction.

Just look at this opening episode of the 21st season of Nemousu! Mayuki just entered a stadium like that!!! Just, just look at them! And the fact that Mayuyu is the one leading the way, that somehow makes things even more unreal! Looking at them one wouldn’t even think they were the Senpai of the Senpai of the Senpai of the Kouhai!! Somehow they have gotten more carefree as time goes on. of course this is only when they are together, at least in Yukirin’s case I am sure. She still is a responsible Senpai (hence all the idolising by other members)  but when with Mayuyu, nothing else matters!

Definition of Marriage? I think so!

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Maachun VS Juri FIGHT!

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141103 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep220.ts - 00073 141103 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep220.ts - 00084
141103 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep220.ts - 00004 141103 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep220.ts - 00003
141103 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep220.ts - 00026
Or make-out, either one is fine with me!

So, I just watched this week’s Ariyoshi AKB and my God that was super insane! I swear I know what was what, which was a prank within a prank within an act but these two were so good that I couldn’t help getting worried and sweaty from the suspense! Maachun totally killed it and so did Juri. Oh how far Dead Eyes has come! Seriously I really want another Majisuka now, badly! The year is almost over without our yearly fix Yasusu, get off your butt and get to work! If we can’t have new stages at least give us another Majisuka for crying out loud!

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