百合 Goggles

Yukirin Is Love. Yuri Is Life!

「Majisuka Gakuen] SHE’S BACK!!!



I don’t believe this! I literally have a post on Tumblr predicting Black-san (Yukirin’s Majisuka Gakuen character) having her own project as the lead and while I was talking about the anime world, this is just phenomenal!

I am so happy that I am not even going to question the decisions surrounding this theatre play (a la Gekikara and Otabe’s last year) in that we have Black…and the rest! Yukirin is a magician but even she isn’t that good! Come on, bring in other major Majisuka Gakuen characters to level things out. There are still characters left that haven’t graduated yet! Surely they aren’t planning to have Black fight the other members?!

Oh wait, maybe it will be just a drama thing! They did the fighting with Gekikara so they can do something else with Black. Surely, hopefully! But I just know that won’t be the case.

Either way, whatever happens, I am very happy! I have been crying out for the return of Black since forever, it seems, and while I don’t know why they didn’t go for a series instead of a play (How are they going to handle Black’s power without CG?!), I am happy!

Who knows, if the play is a success, maybe they will consider a series come next Winter. Then again if it is a success, they might have no more use for Yukirin and thus no more Black in the new series.

I just don’t know any more with this Organisation! Oh well, I might as well enjoy all this Yukirin we are getting lately. No need to waste the happy!

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

5 thoughts on “「Majisuka Gakuen] SHE’S BACK!!!

  1. ’twas about time… but we still have many without interesting characters or any acting talent whatsoever… sigh… Can Wagi save the franchise? Will she be able to finally become the main character of the show? Find out in the next exciting episode of Majisuka Gakuen Z! 😀

  2. IKR!

    Bring in Otabe! Nezumi! Center! Hell, Miso is still out there! We have yet to take revenge on her for what she did to Gekikara! And why not use the NGT girls? Oh yeah, AKB only!

    Always making good decisions that get cancelled out by the bad. I guess we should be happy that they are promoting the unknowns, and I love me some Yuka and Juri so….

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