百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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[Pics] Happy New Year!


To all my Favourite Idols and lovely Readers!

All the best wishes in the New Year of 2019!

Have a good night!

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To All Dear Readers…

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[Pics] TGS’s predawn PB

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Beautiful Small PB is beautiful! Not small as in size but in pages. This is a full A4 sized PB but sadly just like the one from Mille fuille, this is a 40p one. It is to be expected of course seeing as they are sold along with the CDs and usually you get little booklets with those.

If only other groups followed this trend as well. CDs would be flying off the shelves, especially those theatre editions that don’t have DVDs with them.

Anyway, this time around there was a lack of yuri but I guess it is to balance out things from the Mille fuille PB as, while that had plenty of yuri, the quality was way below average! Like someone was drunk while they took those photos or something. This time we don’t have much yuri but the quality is top class! I guess what I am trying to say is that I am not complaining. I am not into TGS, they are not my favourite Idol (excusé, former Idol group) just because of the yuri!

Also HitoMiyu, I am disappoint this time around! MeiYuri has beaten you in this round! Come on, do something! I can’t believe you let MeiYuri get away with such a killer combo (hand-holding)! Sure they have ‘yuri’ in their ship name but still, you are supposed to be the IT!

Enough talk, jump over for the other few pages of these lovely girls women. Hiichan, the youngest has already graduated from High School, like, how time flies!

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