百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!



【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00132
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00207 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00197
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00075
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00183 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00301
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00259

No Way Man!

No way did I just see that much Yukirin in an AKB48 music video!

No Way Man!

No Way did I just see a Shadow Yukirin Center!

No Way Man!

No way did I just get CBS in an AKB music video!

No Way Man!

No way did I just get another cool single after all these years!!

No Fuckin Way Man!!

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Pics – CBS in Fukushima!

02 03
04 05
~ Cherry Blossom Snow ~

Oh how I missed you my lovelyz >.<

A huge ‘thank you’ to all some of my favourite photographers on Twitter ( @nyoki_yama, @meimei209a, @photo_nyonyo, @tigerhouse1978 and @taka_masadesu) for sharing these lovely pics of AKB48G in Fukushima, doing that free live thing for social community support.

Lord, it feels so long since I last got got some Kagoshimai content! And to those who still don’t know these weird terms I am using here, ‘Kagoshimai’ roughly translates to Kagoshima Sisters, which I first hear from Sakura-tan when the two were promoting ‘Crow’s Blood’. They are Kagoshima sisters because they are both from the same prefecture (Kagoshima). There are two other members in Team Yasusu from Kagoshima (Nogizaka 3rd Gen’s Ozono Momoko and Team 8’s Shimoaki Karin).

As for CBS – Cherry Blossom Snow, is my ship name for Sakura-tan and Yukirin! One way you can think of Sakura/Yuki if you took the Sakura that means Cherry Blossoms and the Yuki that means Snow and when you combine them you get…

With that out of the way, I am still surprised that once again AKS proves to be the most incompetent when it comes to decision-making because they have yet to capitalise on the fact that these two exist and thus using them to sell! But really, if they let Mayuki slip through their fingers (MAYUKI…*cries a bit*) they will most definitely not do shit with these two before Yukirin leaves!

What am I even doing wasting my brain cells here…We all know someone up there hates Yukirin with their guts so chances are that someone has brought these chances up before in meetings and they were simply shot down because otherwise I don’t know how they can not see the potential here!

Oh well, I will just continue enjoying them by myself and be glad that I seem to be the only one (and maybe a few others) who sees their potential to make AKB48G great again!

Eh, at this rate I am just waiting for Yukirin to dump their asses so I can quit the Idol life too!


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Talk about bringing a gun to a knife fight!


Having already sobered from the high that is the sheer fact that we have the Kagoshimai facing off as the captains of Red and White teams in AKB48’s 6th Kouhaku Utagassen, I finally got the mind to sit down and look through the line-up and man…Talk about unequal ground! Things get even worse when you see the whole listing of the full members! Like, are you even serious Bruh?!

From talent to star-power Red Team has White beat in all regards. Dancers, singers, Kamis, Aces…Jesus Red team, what even?! There is no way that White team is going to win this without some strings being pulled!

Starting from the top, look at those captains!! Red has two of the most experienced ‘organisers’ in the group, one with her own solo tours (Yukirin) and the other with a whole group (Sasshi) and both a super nerds when it comes to Idols so like…I don’t even…. And let’s not forget the instrumentalists in Nao, who is backed-up by Sayanee, Rion and Aoi. Meanwhile don’t get me started on the vocals (Miyu, Erina, Sayanee, Yukirin) and dancing skills (Yokoyama Yui, Tano, Yuria, Jurina, etc, etc…!

Oh man, this is going to be some brutal experience!

Thank the Lord that I am mostly going into this for the Kagoshima combi. Yeah yeah, I know they are supposed to be competing but hey, at least finally AKS is recognising their duel value so this is a cause for flipping out in happiness!!!

What are the odds that instead of singing different songs like the captains that have come before, they instead both sing the same song and battle it out dance floor style? I mean Sakura VS Yukirin in a music performance battle is pure madness but if they were to perform the same song while doing the thing, al else is forgotten!

Alright, that is it. If you want the full listing, go to Stage48. They got you covered…


My CBS and Mayuki Heart…

160202 AKBINGO! ep376.ts - 00334
160202 AKBINGO! ep376.ts - 00341
Mayuki High 5!
160202 AKBINGO! ep376.ts - 00381
160202 AKBINGO! ep376.ts - 00387
Cherry Blossom Snow acting all I don’t even…

Before I get to talk about the awesome new arc of AKBINGO! that was the exact episode which gave us this Request Hour 2016 performance of the 43rd single – Kimi no Melody, an episode which as if it was some kind of fate that as soon as I had posted the Pocky Game entry, I went to watch the AKBINGO! later and guess what was in it…


I kid you not, there was Pocky Games on AKBINGO!! For some reason I was so shocked by seeing them do it even after seeing episodes like this and those that came way earlier back in the day before the 2010s. I guess it really was because of that Pocky Game post!

But that is for another time, for now the topic is about this 43rd single RH performance…

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Nice Fight Sakura!

141226 AKB48 Nogizaka46 Part - Music Station Super Live.ts - 00023
141226 AKB48 Nogizaka46 Part - Music Station Super Live.ts - 00012 141226 AKB48 Nogizaka46 Part - Music Station Super Live.ts - 00100
141226 AKB48 Nogizaka46 Part - Music Station Super Live.ts - 00046

H-How…? How did this sorting even happen?! How did they end up standing together like that?! You guys know these things aren’t random, right? Especially on important shows like MS! Like, how?! First of all the only way Sakura would be on the front line is by the newest single sorting which means she would be next to Mayuyu who is next to Souchan and then they would be followed by the AkiP senbatsu a la Jurina, Paruru and Sashiko. So even Yukirin being in that spot by itself is a miracle! We all know if she had a choice she would have taken the last row but there she was! RIGHT NEXT TO SAKURA! Both in front of PaJuri! Like, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?!?!

I’m sorry but my mind is still trying to process this! it might seem like such a trivial thing to others but believe me, it is not! And yet while I am trying to figure that out, I am also trying to not keel over at how completely awkward Sakura looks next to Yukirin! She is okay with standing at the front of the whole group with Mayuyu but not standing next to Yukirin! Nope, that is a whole other different thing! Seriously, you all have to re-watch that AKB segment and watch Sakura! If you do you will notice how often she kept stealing glances in Yukirin’s direction even as they stood that close to each other. I have evidence…

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