百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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Happy Holidays Wonderful Readers

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I hope that you are having a wonderful time like I am right now. While others got more meaningful gifts, yours truly just got €400 worth of Japanese Goodness! I bought 18 products this Christmas which included;

  • My Girl/A Girl at my Door
  • Grey Crow/Haiiro no Karasu
  • Noushou Sakuretsu Girl
  • Jinroh Game
  • Shibuya Maruyama Story
  • Tokyo Girls’ Style 5th Anni Live
  • Four Mooks
  • More Movies
  • A couple of CD

Yeah, Japan will be the death of me! And yes, I have already watched Jinro Game, Shibuya Maruyama Story, Grey Crow and A Girl at my Door but I just had to get my own copies, you know in the case that the world goes to hell and I have to be stuck underground I need to take my yuri BDs and DVDs with me, as well that those fics I printed out because they were so good! Hey, you can never be to careful!

The reason why I did not buy that new movie with Aonami Jun and Nakayama (Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku – Hey, that’s three girls in movies this past year from Ebichu!!!) is because I was lied to! The trailer was so misleading! I was so mad while watching that movie you don’t even have a clue! Forget cute girls, I deleted that movie so fast my PC almost crashed!

And also as usual, this purchase also has TGS in it! Of course there would be! You know, right now I can’t argue that TGS is my favourite Idol Group! Well, was seeing as they are no longer ‘Idols’. With AKB going down the drain I need to find another group and sadly it seems that I am returning back to the roots that is H!P. Isn’t it funny? H!P got me into the Idol world and it looks like they are taking me back. I am just so in love with Kobushi, Country Girls and MM15. Angerme was my favourite after Berryz but seeing as my favourite girl there has just announced her graduation (Why MeiMei, why?!!!) I guess Angerme is off the list! But if Haruna leaves, I am done with H!P as well.

Yes, I am still with the 48G but only where Mayuki are concerned! No Mayuki, no AKB full stop! And while Yukirin has been a Goddess for all these freakin years, I just have a feeling that she is about had enough of being raped by AKS so all I am waiting for is the over-due announcement. I wish she does it together with Mayuyu. AKS needs a middle finger for their faggotory!

Okay, right here and right now, I am announcing that I give up on AKS! I don’t care what they do anymore from now on! I am not ever mentioning anything of them ever again! I swear this to you all my my witnesses dear Readers!

Anyway, jump over for some more scans…

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Hohoho Merry MaaChristmas Christmas

NMB48 「TeamNサンタ」 - YouTube.mp4 - 00003
NMB48「研究生サンタ」 - YouTube.mp4 - 00001 NMB48「研究生サンタ」 - YouTube.mp4 - 00004
NMB48 「TeamNサンタ」 - YouTube.mp4 - 00002

Love how tumblr basically ignore how awesome Maachun was. So simple yet so effective because while everyone was trying to be so NMB, she just went and did the nomral Santa…Okay, maybe not so normal but it was gold! Also dat Ripopo and Riichan seg really got me going LOL. I wonder what Maachun thinks of this thing between Riichan and Ripopo that’s growing. And speaking of Riichan…

NMB48 「TeamMサンタ」 - YouTube.mp4 - 00003

Darn it all Yoshimoto!!!! I can’t handle the suspense! Stop with all the teasing and just gimme me already! I want ma 24hr Riichan last month!

Any way, chances are I won’t be positing anything until way after Christmas (Busy busy days ahead. I’m even working on both XmaS and New Years….Sigh….So just to be safe…

Merry Christmas to you all lovely followers and Readers.

Jump ahead for some anime pics you may already know but they are those I think should be posted at everything Christmas until the end of time!…

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Merry Christmas Dear Readers ^_^


What is the name of a….What is Madoka (Not) wearing?!!!!

In the backgro…..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I intended to not cut the post but this image requires no distractions!!!

Damn, this is the best Christmas so far!!!

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