百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!



【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00132
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00207 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00197
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00075
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00183 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00301
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00259

No Way Man!

No way did I just see that much Yukirin in an AKB48 music video!

No Way Man!

No Way did I just see a Shadow Yukirin Center!

No Way Man!

No way did I just get CBS in an AKB music video!

No Way Man!

No way did I just get another cool single after all these years!!

No Fuckin Way Man!!



【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00000 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00005

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00356 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00358
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00357
DAT TRIO >.<!!!!

YuiYui – Yukirin – Sakura-tan

Mein Gott! I want to kiss whoever came up with this formation because Jesus Christ, I don’t even give a tick that Yukirin is on the third line! Nay, I doubt anyone gives a tick! She might as well have been a double centre with Sakura-tan, or triple centre with Sakura-tan and Hiichan because the amount of screen time Yukirin has gotten this time around is hands down the longest ever! Add in the fact that this is one long ass MV and this is a God-send of a music video!

But we are talking about the trio – You all know by now that I am currently very into YuiYui! CBS is part of my blood already but seeing Yuiyui, Sakura-tan and Yukirin in a triangle, smack in the middle of the screen, I nearly burst a vessel from excitement! But this was nothing! Because the music video decided to go that extra mile even when it did not have to with some shipping and…

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00059
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00060 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00062
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00064 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00065
Miion x Juri
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00070
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00069 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00075
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00078 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00084
Yukirin x Mirurun
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00202
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00207 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00209
Juri x Yukirin
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00211
Nako x Hiichan

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00106 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00109
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00108
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00110 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00113
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00127 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00132
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00134

Sweet Baby Jesus!

I said…

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00108
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00127


I…I don’t even know where start! Maybe I should start by sayinmg that SOMEONE WAS PAYING ATTENTION during Teacher Teacher…


Teacher Teacher introduced me to the prospect of Yukirin and Mirurun and were I still writing, believe you me there would already be a Yukirin x Mirurun fic already on the right hand side of this site! But just because there isn’t that doesn’t mean that I do not love the idea of these two so much!

So I thank again whoever was in charge of planning this MV for frikkin feeding the beast, as I like to call it! Seriously, AKS drives me nuts most of the times but there comes a time when they fuckin do right my me and I can’t help but love them again! Now of course only Yukirin is keeping me around but when they do right by my girl and throw in some yuri-fu, I always fall for it!

Interestingly, Yukirin was the very few girls that got to have those non-dance scenes and interestingly she and Juri got to do it twice, Juri once with Yukirin and another with Miion and Yukirin with Juri and another with Mirurun! Speaking of which, Yukirin has shifted around in the MV a lot, from joining another Team B fellow Hiichan in dance leading, to sharing partners in the non-dance scenes!

But let’s be honest here, the ship of the day is CBS (Cherry Blossom Snow – Sakura x Yuki)! This MV might as well have been a Kagoshimai/CBS double centre and I thin kit was but AKS is still that much of a bitch when it comes to Yukirin so nothing is new but I give them great points for what they did here! They could have easily chose not to have any Yukirin at all but here we are, almost having the same amount of screen time as the centre, if not equal!

And then they went and put these two together! In formation Yukirin was right behind Sakura-tan so whenever you saw Sakura, you saw Yukirin! When she moved to the side during rotation, the camera frikkin followed her! When it was not dance scenes, they still focused on her! Solos? She was among the few focused on!!!! Dance rotation? She was at the fore front in some cases like I mentioned with Hiichan!!!!

Like, what the hell is going on!!!

And there I go getting side-tracked again! We are talking about CBS here! CBS! If you just totally missed the part where Sakura-tan and Yukirin’s fingers touched, or where Sakura-tan had her hand in Yukirin hair before placing it on her shoulder….please don’t speak to me for the next minute!!!

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00108
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00113
I died!

And what the hell was this?!

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00127

I can already picture a thousands scenarios about this scene! If only my muse was still active!! God!

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00019
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00030 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00039
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00050 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00090
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00087 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00183
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00095 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00192
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00197 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00199
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00213 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00221
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00224
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00226 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00279
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00264
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00293 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00301
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00304 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00319
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00324
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00330 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00342
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00346 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00347
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00350 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00354
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00359

tenor (7)

Look at that ALL YOU CAN YUKIRIN! I literally can’t! Seriously, only fellow veteran Yukirinians will understand my feelings right now! She might as well be the centre of this single as far as we are concerned! This amount of Yukirin in an AKB48 single MV is a history in the making! I ain’t even exaggerating! To all new fans just go back and search for Green Flash – The only single Yukirin has ever centred, well, double centred, with Kojiharu! That is the best representation of Yukirin an her life in AKB singles!

Yes,. it’s been over 12 years and Yukirin has yet to solo centre anything!

But that song is old so let’s move on. Speaking of Yukirin and centres…

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00055
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00173 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00199
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00162
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00301 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00192
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00324

She so was and no one can prove to me otherwise! Got it?! Good. Let;s move on then!

【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00052
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00011 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00054
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00016 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00094
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00048 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00095
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00135
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00097 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00150
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00173 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00193
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00194 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00195
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00226 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00258
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00235
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00242 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00251
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00253 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00293
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00296 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00311
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00321 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00308
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00355 【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00356
【MV full】NO WAY MAN _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00259
Welcome back COOL SINGLE!

RIVER, BEGINNER, KAZE WA FUITEIRU, UZA, BOKUTACHI WA TATAKAWANAI and now here comes another sure hit fire…NO WAY MAN! All these singles are always on my Idol Playlist and of course that means that they are my favourites with UZA always topping that list!

This used to be a thing! We used to get COOL singles before the Xmas single but that idea somehow went into limbo despite the fact that all these cool singles were fire with both fans and music shows! I have been praying for AKS to get that period back, that period that gave us a much needed break from Idolish and cute songs! And voila, looks like my wish has been granted!

Not only that but they have given me, finally, my right amount of Yukirin! This is how much Yukirin we should have been getting in every single since 2011 when she frikkin destroyed the wall of the gods but nay! I don’t know out of what, bitterness? But Yukirin has always gotten the short end of the stick! I am really surprised she is still around and would not even be that upset were she no longer here! Any other member would have called it quits but not muh Goddess! And that resilience and goodness is seemingly paying off

God, I love her so much!

As for the song itself, at over five minutes of hard core dancing, I don’t see them performing this in full any time soon or even ever, LIVE! I am surprised that UZA got performed that many times in full LIVE but since then no other dance number has had the opportunity! Other than the presentation during the concert, Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai never got performed in full ever again! I doubt we will even get a chance to see NO WAY MAN! done even once! But I so want it! I want a LIVE version so I can enjoy the girls in their full beauty!

And there is another thing! I don’t know why it is but EVERY SINGLE TIME despite having majestic concepts, AKB’s PV always look awful in quality! Either they are all shot on old iphone cameras, which I doubt, or they have a really blind editor who seems to always want to release videos that are under 500kbps in bitrate or something! From now on I am calling them Pixel AKB!

Like for crying out loud, do something about your video quality! We now have to wait for the next PV Bluray Collection to enjoy this MV in all its glory! But other than the visual aspect, the concept is fantastic and the song is cool AF which means that I love it of course! It is no UZA but hey, no one is UZA!

Anyway, that is all…Have a lovely day…

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

8 thoughts on “AKB48 – NO WAY MAN! [MV]

  1. Your post make my day, man! Thank you! I’m also a Yukirinian, yoroshikune!
    I’ve never seen Yukirin standing in the front line in a single where she’s not the official center! I’ve been waiting for seven years to see this! Oh my! Ever since the Original Kami 7 were still around, Yukirin has never got this much of screentime (although she is the God Killer!).
    No Way Man will be my next favourite single along with Bokutachi wa tatakawanai, UZA, Kazewafu, Beginner, and RIVER. I love cool songs! And love it more with Yukirin in it!

    • I posted my comment before I read the part where you wrote cool songs: “RIVER, BEGINNER, KAZE WA FUITEIRU, UZA, BOKUTACHI WA TATAKAWANAI and now here comes another sure hit fire…NO WAY MAN!” And I realize, our taste and definition of cool songs is exactly the same. Even with Green Flash where Yukirin is the official double center, I don’t really like it that much because she’s actually not visible in there LOL.

    • Can I just write down some of my favorite snapshots in this MV?
      – 0:06 : When Yukirin is first seen behind Sakura (along with everybody else)
      – 0:33 : When she moved to the side during rotation and yes, the camera frikkin followed her!
      – 0:37 : Her hair flips LOL
      – 1:01 – 1:04 : Her sharing screen with Mirurun
      – 1:29 : Even from a distance we can still spot her, because she’s the shadow center
      – 1:43 – 1:45 : When Sakura-tan had her hand in Yukirin hair before placing it on her shoulder
      – 1:46 : A close up look of her, with Sakura-tan being so close behind her
      – 1:47 : When she kneels at the front line. She is so standout here, what with her long torso. Just this few seconds had killed me, imagine if she ever become a solo-center in a single.
      – 1:59 : Shadow center again, she’s staying still while others were rotating in front of her
      – 2:14 : Her hair flips again
      – 2:32 – 2:35 : Her sharing screen with Juri
      – 2:53 – 3:06 : Effortless dance
      – 3:21 – 3:24 : She’s kneeling at the front line again
      – 3:47 – 4:03 : She slides to the front, kneels, performs the dance, and slides back up
      – 4:07 – 4:08 : THOSE EYES, OH MY GOD! Love her stares so much! Can someone make a snapshot of this, please?
      – The rest is still enjoyable and she’s easily located, but oh well, I’d better just stop now.

      I give myself cookies everytime I manage to locate Yukirin in every AKB singles. And holy, I am getting diabetes now after watching this most recent MV and giving myself too many cookies. Finally, the director is a Yukirin’s oshi! (LOL, forgive my retardness here!)

      Oh man, my obsession towards Yukirin has become very unhealthy.

      • hahaha, and I thought I had it bad for Yukirin, great to see there are still more people I don’t know about that dig the goddess!

        Nice to meet you Anzai and yeah, loving Yukirin is signing up for a whole load of ways to die…from love for her!

        Truly, this MV is a godsend to us! Sure it could have happened sooner, like, I don’t know, in her Double Centre MV?!!

        But I will take it! better late than never, right? Who knows, now that it is undeniable that Yukirin is the Top Idol of Idols, as in the most accomplished, perhaps AKS will see the light and finally give her that solo center before she graduates!

        Ah, one can only dream

  2. Where have I been LOL?
    Well, I’ve been a fans since 2011. But I’m a ninja. And I go as fast as I come LOL.
    Will be waiting for your next post!

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