百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

AKBINGO! Ikemen High School 3


Finally…Finally *sniffs*

So, it’s that time again! Time for AKB48 to make both girls and boys go gay for them in yet another Danso episode and this time there is no frakking around! This episode’s Danso were; Akimoto Sayaka, Takahashi Minami, Miyazawa Sae, Minegishi Minami, Itano Tomomi, Yokoyama Yui, Shinoda Mariko, Kitahara Rie and Sashihara Rino.

And these were my favourites…

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1. Saya-kun (Akimoto)

Oh! How long have I waited for the day that Sayaka would do a proper Danso! Yes, yesterday was the day it happened. Short black hair, awesome height and then that scene where she pulls down her shirt enough to tease us with the collar bones underneath – such manly bones to boot – which actually reminded me of when Superman pulls down his shirt just before he transforms and the S on his chest is showing. I was so tempted to Photoshop a cap of this actually. I am sure someone will do it eventually.

Any ways, Sayaka just ruled and even though she was lousy at the actual questionnaires (thus proving how much more of a guy she is) by appearances, the trophy was hers. And I really hope they cut her some slack. She is turning into those – ‘being <insert name here> is suffering’ kind of character. I mean they are usually the kewl type (a la puella and Lancer – of ‘Fate’) as is Sayaka but she needs some happiness. Things are just not balancing out with how much happiness she brings to others as opposed to the happiness she must be receiving. But that might just be me so don’t take this too serious, m’kay?

Too bad it’s fashion week next week. I so wanted to see more Saya-kun!

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2. Tomo-ken

With manly Danso that make girls go wild, comes cute Danso that make make lose their bloody minds and who was cuter of them all other than Itano? Well, Kuu (Miichan) can put up a good fight for cute Danso but I think we all agree that Tomo-ken is just a bit above average cute. She’s just so…Hanyaaa~

If she were a true boy, he would that one that all the girls in class wanna be close too because he keeps to himself and usually puts on a bored atmosphere looking out the window all the time. I can so totally imagine Tomo-ken in that situation.

And even though she is in Danso mode, her fashion sense still wins through even now and that’s bonus points right there.

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3. Rio-kun

Kitahara Rie is another realistic Danso. There is always that kind of guy in a class isn’t there? The soft one with a freckled face, kind of small and is usually has more girlfriends than guy friends – I sure saw a lot of those in my school years. So envious was I of them! And strangely they wouldn’t be that into girls even though they are always surrounded by them. Girls must have a sixth sense that tells them ‘This one is safe to be around’ or something!

And he is funny, well, her answers were funny to me and the fact that she was too serious made it all the more humorous. Rio-kun would be the type of guy I would want to be friends with, well and Kuu obviously.

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4. Men*Dol Alliance

Well, two of them that is. Kai (Takamina) and Kuu are still as fabulous as always. Sigh, memories of Men*Dol and flashing before my eyes right now. I find that Kai looks better with black hair than blonde and I am glad I got the chance to see him like so. Kuu’s on the other hand is exactly the opposite. Black hair with blue highlights was the bomb. I hope I am not the only one who was disappoint that Kuu didn’t get a girl for herself in Men*Dol. Instead it seemed she was one of those girls that are into older men.

Any ways these two still looked good with Kai’s shirt-only getup and Kuu’s No music no life style she was presenting (totally love those headphones).

And those were my interests this week.

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The rest were good too. We all know Sae is usually one of the first members to think of when someone mentions the words ‘AKB48’ and ‘Danso’ in a sentence. So it goes without saying that hearts were sent soaring yet again by her this episode too. Then there was Yui who actually looked pretty good too in her blonde hair and that strange personality of hers. Mariko-sama didn’t look that Danso enough to me. If only she did something with her hair. And Sasshi is just…well…Sasshi.

This episode was really great. All the guys of AKB48 (Takamina, Sayaka and Sae) were present and it was still a lot of fun as the answers and questionnaires were easy enough to understand with my non-existent Japanese knowledge.


I still miss Yukirin >.<

I sure hope she is in next episode, though I highly doubt it or she would’ve been snuck into the preview.

Oh well…At least she was in this week’s ED which happened to be Noel no You so let’s have some!

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Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

6 thoughts on “AKBINGO! Ikemen High School 3

  1. Yeeee…… finaly Sakaya get a bit of sense… i dying for see this ep…

  2. *died in a nosebleed even though is not gay…* I laughed at this episode so much the people around me thought I am crazy. I loved that part, when they had to tell what would an ikemen say when he’s got attacked by a yankee (Sata-san?:)) while he’s with his girlfriend. Before TakaMina… khm… Kai (was it?) said anything I said: “Oreno onna ni te wo dasuna!” Now if you watched the episode than you know what this means. I would say these words in this situation. Even more so if the girl beside me is Takahashi Minami. “I would die for her, I would kill for her…” Oh man… This one episode just made my day. Thank BG.

    • Ahaha

      Sure, keep telling yourself that you are not coughGAYcough…Where AKB is concerned, I know I can be anything!

      I don’t about that line (Get your bloody hands off ma woman – I mean). It somehow seems a bit possessive, doesn’t it? That might just be me though since I am not too hot on possessive or clingy people.

      • You know that’s a line you get slapped or ass-kicked very hard, so it is not vise to say it loud. But is nice to hear it in a drama or something, because in real life real men don’t provoke or start a fight…

      • Indeed.

        But I can’t help but want girl to say it to a bully about another girl. Who might not have had any idea that her friend was into her like that. Imagine the atmosphere >.<

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