百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


CODE BLUE Season 3!!!

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Seven years!!

It’s been seven whole years since the second season of Code Blue aired!! And now we are getting a third season?! Yes dearest Readers, our favourite Doctors are back with us starting July!


The nostalgia! Nothing can beat this feeling, maybe if Joss announced a 9th season of Buffy as yesterday was it’s 10 year anniversary! other than that, nothing can beat this feeling!

Oh Lord, those were the times. around that time when the first season aired back in 2008 was when I first got into AKB and Japanese TV. Todi (Toda Erika) and Gakki (Aragaki Yui) were the rave back then! And don’t get me started on the male characters!! This was the drama to watch back then!

Looks like I am going to have some help getting back to my old self, eh? What better way than the help of a series I was watching back then? And of course you know why I was watching this!

Megumi (Gakki) and Mihoko (Todi).

Unless you count The X-Files, this is the only medical drama I have ever gotten into and it was all because of Gakki and Todi because like I said, they were the IT back then! Truthfully I have not seen much of their work since then although,, interestingly, there is this movie of Gakki’s that I only watched last week and was kind of post worthy.

Anyway I remember how much Megumi x Mihoko we got in the second season, especially after that SP that aired after the first. But for some reason I don’ remember anything from the first season. You know what this means! Since I have every single episode and the S, I am so re-watching this to re-ignite the flames of this ship before it hits us again in July!

I am both excited and scared though. How are they going to handle the time gap between then and now? Seeing as the followed the timelines from the first to the second season, it would not surprise me if the gave us the 7 years later card but I also think going either way, be it continuing on from where we left of or jump will both work!

If they go for the time jump, how will our girls be relationship-wise? Mihoko’s parents were already pestering her to marry back then (even though she was adamantly against it) and there was always this cloud between Megumi and Dude1 even though it never got anywhere, which really, really, surprised me! This has got to be the first series I have seen where the expected did not actually happen!

Meanwhile we were getting so much Megumi x Mihoko, especially in the second season that China was going mad with this ship! I totally remember the sites I used to frequent back then just to see what they had cooked up on our girls!

But really, who could blame them? These two were just too much…

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I am a Hero [J-Movie]

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I am a Hero アイアムアヒーロー

So, there is this zombie apocalypse movie (yes, another one) that recently came out from Japan that got my goggles re-assessed to find out if they are still doing their job right! It has occurred to me that I have been posting about a lot of legit yuri that doesn’t require goggles at all so I figured they needed some re-calibration!

Who am I kidding, the only reason I got this movie was because Nagasawa-kun was in it along with Kasumi-chan. Also the fact that it is a horror movie. Horror is my favourite genre after all, until yuri is made an official genre that can have award nominations that is. And so I went and checked it out.

The movie seems to be based off of a Manga but I am not going to go checking it out, unless someone who has read it tells me otherwise. Movies usually take liberties and in this case I can tell that I would regret checking out that manga so I am going to stick with the movie, thank you very much.

Nagasawa Masami plays Yabu, a woman who used to be a nurse that feels regret at her earlier actions when the breakout first happened. She ran away saving only her self and no one else. Arimura Kasumi on the other hand plays Hiromi, a high school girl that runs into our protag and redeems him and Yabu along the way, while she on the other hand was turning less and less human. We don’t run into Yabu until a bit later into the movie when Hiromi is already turned!

Basically the movie is about a breakout and then surviving in the post-apocalyptic world. There are many mysteries left to solve, which are really making me want to go read that Manga but I am going to resist! No matter how much I want to know the fate of Hiromi and her powers, or how the relationships progress, I am going to resist! Let’s just stick to the movie…

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[Vid] You Lost Me [Shishunki Gokko]


So, I love Christina Aguilera’s ‘You Lost Me’ so much that I have been struggling for a long while to find a fitting ship. Then about two or so weeks back, I was re-watching Shishunki Gokko (AKA Finding the Adolescence), because I want to get back to my old self that loved every little thing and wanted to love this movie way more than I originally loved it, if I did at all. To read more about my feeling on it, there is a post about it of course.

And so while I sat there, actually finding that my mission is succeeding in that I am actually loving the movie more this time around (though to be fair, that spinoff short helped tremendously) it just clicked with me! Takane and Mika are the embodiment of this song! And that is all she wrote.

Hope you likey…


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[Ahgassi] Dear S.Korea, I am Disappoint!

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Yes, another day another Handmaiden post. Just as the force wills it so who am I to say otherwise?

The point of this post is my disappointment in S.Korea. Sure, I am very grateful to them, they have been so awesome to me in the past few years, hell, my top 10 yuri movies has 4 from them with two of them in the top 3!! I love Korean very much, but that does not mean that I can not get disappointed with them.

And so it is kind of ironic that that disappointment comes with the very movie that has me love them so very much, they have given me my favourite movie of all time in The Handmaiden but strangely, along with it comes the only disappointment I have ever felt for South Korea and that is the fact that they chose any other movie over The Handmaiden for the Oscars!

Okay, get this, most of you are probably already aware if you are a fan of this movie and have been following every little thing about it, but in only six months since it’s debut, in just six months, The Handmaiden has been nominated for over sixty awards, SIXTY!!!! and so far, and I mean so far, they have won 27 of them all! So far they have almost grabbed half of the nominations!!! And we are still in 2016!! Next year there will be awards looking back to the past year (2016 then) and it is bound to be nominated for more awards and even win more of them! The current nominations are still going so they still have a chance of jumping over half of the nominations, that is over 30 awards in total in just six months!

Like, can you even believe this! I mean for crying out loud, this is a primarily lesbian movie and it does not have those clichéd bad endings that are award baits! Nope, we got an honest to God BEST END that went well about even the original source materials’ ending! Seriously, The Handmaiden’s ending just blows my mind! But it is not just that hurdle that the movie had to get past! Homo-sexuality in South Korean is considered a taboo (as per Mr Park’s own words) so the movie to do that well in its home land is a miracle already!

Then there is that thing that happened just a month after the movie came out, the thing that was surely to put a stop to any and all success The Handmaiden had been revving up so far – The scandal! Sadly many of us fans of her and Kim Min-hee herself are still greatly affected by it, in that we miss her terribly and she too wishes to be there with the other beloved cast during the rest of the promotions and accompanying sweet Kim Tae-ri to award ceremonies! But other than herself and us fans, and maybe the cast, the movie itself was not affected at all and I hope the person who pulled that dick of a move regrets their decision till the end of time!

But that did not stop people from recognising the actors’ hard work and giving Kim Min-hee her well deserved Best Actress awards (two of them so far), Kim Tae-ri’s Best New Actress Awards, which are FIVE of them so far, and the Production Designers and Art Director awards they have been taking from left to right! But that is only scratching the surface! To have the full idea of all the awards go to The Handmaiden and Kim Tae-ri wiki pages!

Like, seriously South Korean, what were you even thinking?! And from what I hear, other countries are also ramping up awards for Ahgassi like it’s no body’s business! Why did they even do this?! The success in their home country alone should have been enough of a sign on what to do! Seriously South Korea…

I am disappoint!

But oh so forever grateful!