百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

Guess Who I Met Today Guize


Ahahahahahahaha aha!

So very happy right now you have no idea! it has been hours and I have yet to find the courage to unwrap these beauties.

And OMG! Three Renas!!!!!! Can you like, believe it! What do I even


So much win

I better do something else to distract myself!

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

5 thoughts on “Guess Who I Met Today Guize

  1. Hey!

    I received 2 out of the 3 cd’s today, no idea where the third one is at the moment. 😦

    Since I am totally curious, I opened them immediately. Lets see what I got.


    Two of this girl who’s name I don’t even know… I do remember her face though. xD
    At least I got a Rena. 😀
    * praying that I will find a Kuumin in my other cd *

  2. Oya Masana, right right… How can I forget… What kind of AKB fan am I? xD

    When are you opening yours? xD

  3. AKB/SKE/NMB… I always refer to it as AKB.

    For some reason I am always curious to know what kind of photocards people get with their albums.
    Keep my updated! >.<

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