百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

AKBINGO! Muchabulous Dodge ball


This Episode!

OMG! This episode was super fabulous. The only way this would have been better was if they actually brought in Saya-nee and Maa-chun from NMB48. Just imagining the WIN of such an episode is…almost impossible! For now though I can settle for SKE48. After all there is Non, Kumin and Jurina!

Life is coming back into AKBINGO! Not only that but they have come up with some new punishment games as well. So without farther ado, let’s see what went down in this episode.

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AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00009 AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00000

The game is Dodge ball. When you get hit, you’re out and the team left with the most number of players by the end wins. But this is AKB we are talking about so simply playing a normal game of dodge ball is for wussies. Our dodge ball is different. When you are disqualified after getting hit, you have to suffer the penalty game which is set out right before that round of the game has even started. When you get taken out, you know already what kind of hell is awaiting you…

Just like I know what kind is awaiting me in the afterlife. Ahem…

Back to the game, the first punishment will be the hell-spinner and guess who gets to suffer?

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It’s none other than everyone’s little sister Kimoto Kanon (Non). Wait a minute, everyone’s little sister? What does that make Kumin who frenched her? I guess I will be seeing you in the afterlife dear Kumin. Any ways Non gets taken out so it was time for her to face her punishment. The devil lady gets called out to deliver the hell-spinner. Some drama ensues when the poor SKE48 girls who haven’t seen this devil yet get the shock of their lives.

When the devil lady comes on stage, out of nowhere that AD comes flying in and tackling the devil lady. Soon after he starts bitch-slapping her on her mummies which seem to kind of hurt too. The look on Yukirin’s face…actually I couldn’t see it ‘cause she didn’t dare watch any of this madness. As the AD does the silly dance of victory thinking that he had won, the devil lady creeps up on him and teaches him what a real bitch slap is! One slap and he was on his back. The reactions from the girls were priceless!

While the AD gets carried away by the medic staff, we get back to Non’s punishment. As is the punishment itself was not enough, she has to have a word fight with the devil lady first. Though she starts out with bravado, by the time she’s done she’s stuttering like crazy and her voice is almost none existent. Then when it got to the actual punishment, the devil tossed her like a sack of potatoes after spinning her and the poor Non almost broke out in tears. Sata back head slapping her didn’t help matters at all any.

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Kitarie is the next one to be eliminated. Poor Kitarie was splashed with black ink and used as a human brush the last dodge ball game. This time, she is going to be transformed into Lady Gaga…I mean Kita Gaga. This time there was no help with this makeup and instead she had to dip her face into a plate of paint set out as a face. Since her face is so small, the lips ended up on her chin and all in all, it was a pitiful Kita Gaga.

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Next up is the default alpha uke of SKE, Yagami Kumi. Her punishment? Eating delicacy that is freshly handmade right there. Even better, she has to choose whichever she want. Like, what kind of punishment is that?! When the chepf is done with Kumin’s order though, upon having gotten a closer look at it, Kumin instantly bolts away as if she’s been burnt. The other members gather around to see what the fuss is about. It was just food after all, right? They too though turned away with looks of pure disgust as if they were trying their best not to throw up. Surely the food isn’t that bad, surely!


Imagine those gooey queen ant’s eggs used as the base and the normal (worker) ants used as the topping in your rice wrapping! That is exactly what this is. Kumin has to go and eat that?!! And in one bite! Oh lord! Just thinking of it is making sic- OMG! She didn’t! Kumin just went and actually ate the whole thing in one go! Oh god! The looks on the members’’ faces says it all! God bless this girl!

AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00054 AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00055

Nice save Jurina

Rena comes in to replace Non but just as quickly she is also taken out…At least she would have been had she not been saved by her husband Jurina! I almost jumped in joy at this save but then I realised this was just a game. The ball hit Rena on the head but prince Jurina grabbed the ball before it hit the ground so Rena was safe. The look of appreciation on Rena’s face was delicious to see.

AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00034 AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00035

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The game continues on and Tomochin and Jurina dominate everything as if they were the only pones playing the game. Tomochin is really surprising great at dodge ball! I mean with Jurina, it kind of is expected and she is on the team in school so there are no surprises there but Tomochin!?! Any way as the two duke it out, the other members let their guard down which is a big mistake. Ojiharu, who was not expecting it got hit without knowing it by Jurina, who had decided to switch gears.

Kojima Haruna is the first to suffer the all new punishment game. Since the girls don’t know what it is about, they bring out that AD to demonstrate for them. The guest magician asks him to hold onto a fluffy piece of something that looks like cotton candy. When he lights fire to it though, the thing goes out in an explosion of flames which leaves the girls totally stunned. They want Kojiharu to do that?! What kind of Idol-abuse is this! Oh wait, don’t answer that! This is AKB after all. There is no reason to be shocked at all.

Thankfully her pretty hands are spared from a possibility of getting scorched and she has to hold the cotton candy thingy on a stick instead of her bare hands. That didn’t stop her from instantly dropping the stick when the thing was lit. Poor Kojiharu was scared out of her wits. Too bad her husband Yuko wasn’t around to comfort her.

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AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00066 AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00067

Back to the game, the next victim is decided. Matsui Rena. The punishment is shameful make-up. Now here is the thing, Rena has suffered just that exact punishment before but while before it was kind of cook (She was Demon Matsui) this time she is taking over Erepyon’s (Ono Erena) character as the Unko Girls.

Unko taberu?

That line that she says, if you don’t know that much of Japanese, let me apologise that I will not translate it because in English, even I am embarrassed saying it out loud. You can judge from the members’ expressions how shocking it is that our Princess Rena would actually say those word out loud and with a no-nonsense tone too! Oh Unko Rena, you shall forever remain in my mind for years to come!

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Next is Team KII’s winged creature Churi (Takayanagi Akane)who gets taken out. Speaking of Churi, I knew it would happen eventually but not this early. I no longer frown upon her appearence and I find that I enjoy her company now actually. I guess I can forget the uneasy that I don’t like a AKB girl now…Well, other than Sasshi that it…oops. Not taking that back now, am I? Anyway back on topic, for her punishment, Churi is given a dress to wear and beneath it, there is a huge balloon. The balloon gets filled with air and we can’t help but smile as everyone starts panicking as they run away from Churi who is trying to get close to them to share her pain. I am not sure but I have a feeling a balloon that size would hurt some as it bursts. Are there any scientists here to set me straight? No? Okay then.

AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00079 AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00080AKBINGO! ep171 120125 (1920x1080 H.264).mp4 - 00081
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And finally to be eliminated is none other than Yukirin herself. First let me say just how cute Yukirin looks with that ribbon tied like that in her hair! Seriously, she’s 20 yrs old! How can she so easily switch between a grown up beauty like on most of her photos, into the darkness of Black and right back to this cute 100% idol like girl!? Cannot comprehend! Any ways, she is cute this episode but that doesn’t save her from being targeted. Not to mention Kumin of all people was the one to hit her. Yeah, I know it doesn’t matter any if it was Kumin but I am typing it any ways.

Her punishment is that she has to dance a portion of Aitakatta after she spins around ten times. First she does the normal dance which is all kinds of cute. She then rests her forehead on a bat and spins around ten times. With all her balance out of whack, she attempts to do the dance again. Well, I don’t have to tell you all how well that attempt went. At least she completed the ‘you’ part! I was kind of happy to when Unko Rena did the dance with Yukirin. Whenever I looked towards her on the side, she had the same pose as Yukirin. Love them so much.

The episode ends here with Team AKB (+ NMB48’s Yuppi) winning since it loses three while team SKE loses 4. The results are not shown so I guess the game is still going into next week. But if that’s the case, isn’t that kind of cheating? I see many new members next week with Takamina, Yuko and SKE’s Mizuki playing as well. I guess it will be Round 2 then.

Anyhow, this week’s MVP is Yukirin thanks to her…er…awesome drunken dance-chi I guess.

The awesomness madness continues next week! Totally looking forward to that episode.

Lastly, obligatory Shawako being Awesome!

Go die in a fire!

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

12 thoughts on “AKBINGO! Muchabulous Dodge ball

  1. As if this episode wasn’t senbatsu-studded enough, next week we are going to see the return of Yuko who hasn’t been on AKBINGO since forever! XD

    This ep was already ZOMG!EPIC the moment Kanon got hit with that ball. Lol! What are they doing to cute ‘lil Non? Granted, she also got wrestled into oblivion in that one Itte Koi episode, but still! It’s Non! 48-family’s cutest imouto~ SKE girls got the best reactions, probably because they aren’t used to this type of madness. And I never would’ve thought that Sata would hit Rena on the head like that. Lolol! I guess if he can hit Acchan and Mayuyu similarly before, then everyone is fair game. Yuki’s ‘dance’ was awesome. Haha, Rena was dancing along at the back.

    PS. I always thought Kumin is a seme whenever I see Kumin/Yuria or Kumin/Non. Hmn.

    • That is true. I always mix up Uke and Seme for some reason >.<

      And yeah, next week is gonna be awesome. Also Sata can hit anyone. He is a bad boy after all.

      • Lol, and while you wait for the awesomeness that is next week’s muchaburi dodge ball, have you watched the Type C bonus of KataFai release yet? SKE48’s Type-C Kouhaku Taikou Maruhi Gei Kakutei Taikai. I’d actually suggest you watch it if only to see Rena wield around a real samurai sword (samurai Ren is much better than archer Ren) like a freakin’ boss, but seriously, SKE as a whole in that show is made of pure win. There was more of those pyramid stunts they did at the recent RH, manzai, konto, bell performance, Jurina’s magic show and Rena’s uber dangerous sword demonstration which definitely stole the show. 🙂

      • I have just ripped the DVDs and have yet to watch them but I am planning to this evening So…very much looking forward to them ^^

        Thanks for the spoilers >.<

  2. Lol, sorry~! But really, the perfs are not about what they’re going to do, but how they actually do it….

    Yeah, lame excuse is lame. ><

  3. I started to like this famous “Erika-sama” in AKBINGO! Her first appearance was also in one of the muchaburi dodge ball game. At that time she was doing the same thing to Shimada Haruka as she did now to Kanon. It’s easy to get like someone who is inflicting pain on someone whom you actually don’t like.

    But I think I won’t like her any more “khm”…next episode…”khm”…

    But! What did you mean with this line? – ” I guess I can forget the uneasy that I don’t like a AKB girl now…Well, other than Sasshi that it…” I got really offended by this as she is my #2 Oshimen. Why do you now like her? “Why? Why? Why? Naze?” How can someone not like “Rino J”?

    PS: About Tomochin: Actually Tomo~mi said before once that her hands are quite strong. And I don’t know how many Muchaburi Dodge Ball games you saw before but what I’ve seen before she always played like this. By this I mean with a lot of force.

    • You expect me to explain myself after you make it clear that she’s your No.2?!!

      Sorry but I…don’t that level of Masochism! >.<

      All I will says is that I absolutely adore Undergirl Sasshi!

      • USO HA DAME DA YO! If you don’t like her than have it your way, just don’t you ever lie to me. I cannot and will not stand lies! But I won’t force you in any way. And remember that we are not enemies and I won’t get angry at you because you don’t like my oshimens. This is the same thing you are doing as Kashiwagi is quite low on my list yet you still allowing me to write comments here.

      • Actually, as strange as it sounds, I quite like Yukirin’s err…anti-fans(?) or whatever because I find it refreshing to see all these other views that aren’t from my smockey goggles when it comes to my Goddess.

        But I guess it isn’t strange at all, anything connected to me Goddess be it good or bad, I like!

        So fear not, you are safe ^^

        And No, I won’t ever flame her. In fact I don’t so those. Unless my Oshis betray me by having freaking boyfriends or visiting pubs secretly!! That is a whole new level! (Like, WTF Nacchan?!)

  4. Well I explain with much detail why is Yukirin where she stands on my list, so I am not her anti-fan as it will be meaningless to do. Can you even do something like that? I don’t think so. I tried to like her. There were times when she was my #3. But then the crystal ball broke and now it’s in pieces.

    Nacchan had enough from AKB, but I think she could have used a better way to end it. Like she wants to study or something like Erepyon did. Her sotsugyou was beautifull but these two… ah… I don’t even have words to describe what I am thinking right now… I don’t even have time to think about distractions like these.

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