百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Favourite Movie Pr Photos Series 1


Beautiful/Crazy 乱青春

What better way to share the love than beginning with the movie that I use as this site’s avatar!

Beautiful/Crazy. A Taiwanese movie released in 2009.

I was actually planning on reviewing it, way back before it was released, but that plan went straight down under after I watched it. Why?

Well, this movie is so complicated that even after years, I still can’t quite make heads and tails of it. I mean even without going into the deep, one gets lost just from the surface when we are bombarded with the relationship charts in this monster of a movie.

It’s not a love triangle, neither is it a quadrilateral but a Hexagon! It’s a freaking Love hexagon!

And that’s just the surface of things. try going deeper and the world’s top scientists would have a field day with it! Seriously.

Any ways I love this movie a lot none the less and it has to be one with the greatest PR photos I’ve ever come across. The movie stars these three main girls;

Amiya Lee

Angel Yao

Chien-hui Liao

Amiya Lee plays Xiao-bu, the girl that is in the centre of things. Angel Yao plays Angel, who is in love with Xiao-bu and is having an affair with Ah Mi’s father. Chien-hui Liao plays Ah Mi, a somewhat dojiko girl who borrows everything of Xia-bu from her under-garments to her boyfriend. She manages to get a kiss from Xiao-bu though for all her troubles.

Like, see what I mean~

Any way, no more of this nonsense talk. You came for pics so here they are…

BTW – Source is official flickr account ©

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