百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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You can only choose 1 Yui, Yukirin!

AKB48、新作音楽ゲームアプリをアピール 柏木由紀はNGT48メンバーとバーベキューしたことも告白 アイア 音楽ゲームアプリ『AKB48ビートカーニバル』記者発表会.MP4 - 00001
AKB48 が音ゲー発売!横山由依「前田敦子さん結婚おめでたい」.MP4 - 00034 AKB48 が音ゲー発売!横山由依「前田敦子さん結婚おめでたい」.MP4 - 00084
So, who will it be; YuiYui or Yuihan?
AKB48柏木由紀、さや姉の卒業「寂しい」.MP4 - 00056
AKB48柏木由紀、秋元康公認の“おつぼねババア”宣言 指原莉乃と「ずぶとくいる」 「AKB48ビートカーニバル」記者発表会4.MP4 - 00041 AKB48柏木由紀、秋元康公認の“おつぼねババア”宣言 指原莉乃と「ずぶとくいる」 「AKB48ビートカーニバル」記者発表会4.MP4 - 00095

You have to choose one!
柏木由紀、音ゲーで見事な腕前を披露!「AKB48ビートカーニバル」記者発表会2.MP4 - 00139
“音ゲーマニア”柏木由紀、小学時代は「観衆集めるぐらい」「AKB48ビートカーニバル」記者発表会3.MP4 - 00086 “音ゲーマニア”柏木由紀、小学時代は「観衆集めるぐらい」「AKB48ビートカーニバル」記者発表会3.MP4 - 00243
Yes! Now come on girls, appease!
AKB48柏木由紀、秋元康公認の“おつぼねババア”宣言 指原莉乃と「ずぶとくいる」 「AKB48ビートカーニバル」記者発表会4.MP4 - 00117
AKB48柏木由紀、さや姉の卒業「寂しい」.MP4 - 00061
I’m sorry, I can’t

I feel your pain Yukirin, I feel your pain…

Yes, I am back at this craziness but really, those who know me shouldn’t be surprised! Every time I dig a new Yukirin ship, I always see potential as long as the two are in ‘spitting distance’! You all know I ship me some Yukirin/Yuihan. we o way back to the Eien Pressure MV days! Which was kind of rare seeing as most were into Paruru/Yuihan or Sayanee/Yuihan and we all know of Yukirin’s side of the story! But like I have said so many times, almost everyone is shippable with Yuikirin as far as  I am concerned! Don’t believe me? Just see the Fan Fiction List on the ride hand side!

So this means only one thing, that the new ship has to do with the other Yui – YuiYui – Oguri Yui! This is not the first post about these two obviously. I have already discussed them and mentioned my interest in the ship with the Teacher Teacher single post! Speaking of which, I am still dying for the Making of of that PV! If some can find the photoshoot for the covers with their magic, I will do anything for a copy!

Anyway, the bottom line is that I have been down for some YuYuYu (Yuki x YuiYui) content and then YouTube came through with these videos of the girls promoting this new game that I am sure I will never play! In addition to these three there was Miion, KatoRena, Rin (Okabe) and Narumi (8). And if you were wondering, yes, Miion wanted a part of that beef and KatoRena looked like she was already missing Team B!

Anyway, this is not me moving on so soon after…We all know no one will ever replace her in Yukirin’s life but this is me, I have been shipping others with Yukirin even when ‘she’ was still around! Again, read them fics –>

And so I am putting it out there that I am dying for some YuYuYu content and if you all have come across some that I have not, please do share! I sure hope AKS do continue pairing these up in somethings to come! I mean, it looks like she is being made out to be the new AKB face but she is still green so they need that powerhouse to give a little pushing hand!

Now, if only they used their brains and gave us a single centred by these two! Eh, I know I am wishing on a fallen star, I mean, this is the same company that had MAYUKI for 11 years and never gave them a single! Like, talk about worst management ever! But we are all tired of singing that song, especially now that it shall never ever be heard so let’s move on…

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[AKB48] A Woman!

【MV full】Teacher Teacher _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 01;33;43.982
【MV full】Teacher Teacher _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 00;33;25.479 【MV full】Teacher Teacher _ AKB48[公式] - YouTube.MKV - 02;03;27.371


Yep! That be me!

It’s been too long since we had a Goddess worshipping post and while my love for Idols is waning slowly (God, these graduations take a toll on a person!) my love for a certain woman is still undying! And with the latest Ravijour images…well…even if I was a skeleton I would be fully revived!

And not only that but the new single Teacher Teacher has me wishing Yukirin was a KPOP member…Oh wait, there is this new Korean project with the 48 family, right?! Well, I guess that explains the weirdness of the concept of the new single!

Also for once I feel like Yukirin has gotten the right amount of screen time in an MV since, like, forever! So really, where Yukirin is concerned, everything is just perfect!It is enough to drown out the bad things going on right now with all the graduations and thus saying goodbye to a sister group.

But positivity today, positivity!

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Here Is The Real SSK 2017!

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00480
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00022 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00029
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00521 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00478

2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00092
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00095 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00077
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00063 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00102

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00611 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00615
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00659 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00641
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00645


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00588
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00591 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00039
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00038


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00206
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00211 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00267


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00116
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00123 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00181


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00065
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00061 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00071
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00080

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00273
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00275 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00278
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00283

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00323
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00324 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00326

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00338

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00398

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00671
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00673 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00676
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00678

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00695
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00692 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00707
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00712


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00092
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00091

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00291
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00304 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00299

20170617 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 - YouTube.MKV - 00000
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00057

Like, this is no regular SSK, this is the YUKIRIN BOWL!

Jesus, I have never seen so much hugging, hand and eye sex in the same sitting like I have done with this 9th SSK Showroom special hosted by none other than yours truly, the Idol of Idols – Kashiwagi Yuki!

Dear Yasusu, whenever you ever look to retire, do not worry, there is a worth successor to your Kingdom. Yes, I know who you are thinking of already but you know, just in case you ever have to fall back to plan B, I am just saying!

But that is talk for other people, what I am interested in is the real subject at hand and that is WHO WON THE YUKIRIN BOWL?! That is going to be a tough one! And yes, that implies that Mayuyu might not have had it easy this time around! But that explanation requires details and time for those I do not have right now. There were of course some disappointments, I am of course looking at you Okappa-chan, Sakura-tan and Sashiko too! Actually add Sayaya and Jurina on that list too. I was expecting something from them and I did not get it but hey, competition was really tough and some already gave up all the way from the get go when Mayuyu struck the first blow! A blow that only the Soukantoku could counter by managing to take some points off the table in the early stages before the game even started!

Seriously, if you haven’t watched this showroom yet, you watched the wrong SSK! Get to it already! There are countless copies of this on YouTube, A!O has it too (though I do not recommend their copy. It skips a lot towards the last 3rd of the video).

But even though the battle is to soon be decided, here are my Top contenders:

  • Mayuyu (of Course)
  • Miichan
  • OgiYuka
  • Yuihan
  • Hinatan
  • Komiharu
  • Gatanee

Okay, that doesn’t help at all, huh? Well, that is all I can do. But really, who am I kidding, you all know Mayuyu is going to be in the Top 2 so…

Anyway, chew on this for a while and I will see you soon…


CROW’S BLOOD 01 – Yuri-sense Overloading!!

160722 AKB48 - CROW’S BLOOD ep01.mp4 - 00281
160722 AKB48 - CROW’S BLOOD ep01.mp4 - 00116 160722 AKB48 - CROW’S BLOOD ep01.mp4 - 00370
160722 AKB48 - CROW’S BLOOD ep01.mp4 - 00367

Okay, this has been way overdue but I am glad I waited because the other day I was re-watching episode one after getting the second episode in HQ and I noticed something very, very interesting. Now of course this might as well be just the fruit of my CBS shipping heart but who cares. This is how I do things. I approach media with the couples that I dig and my ship in this drama is of course CBS.

Not to brag as well but notice how even my subconscious is great at detecting non-yuri? I am an avid shipper of Mayuki and if you are shocked by that, shame on you, but you must have noticed that I have not mentioned Mayuki in context of this show even before it aired! We knew nothing then but as if my conscious was looking out for me, I never even entertained the idea of Mayuki in this show, or as we should know it Mai/Kaoru!

Instead my mind was all on CBS AKA Mai/Maki. I have deluded myself more than I should already about this ship but then it was just my inner shipper going out of control basing my happies on just what could be instead of what has been.

Well, forget delusions! After the two episodes my delusions are seemingly on their way to becoming reality! Seriously, my jaw dropped the more Mai/Maki scenes we got and more of this when we get to episode 2 but for now, let’s stick with the first episode.

Before I go into it let me tell you that interesting something that I noticed. So we know Maki and Kaoru are the two leads. What is that something that every leading character has? A relationship. In some cases where it is a duo lead story like this, the two mains are usually put into the relationship and even when it looks like they aren’t, they eventually end up together because it was all for the drama. That is usually in romance stories.

Now, one might argue that Crow’s Blood is no romance story but all who have seen both episodes know what is going on with Kaoru and that Dude! Seriously by the end of the second episode Kaoru is ready to have that Dude’s babies! More on Kaoru’s side of things later.

So, they have obviously given Kaoru a love interest and no matter how you look at it, Kaoru/Maki is not happening! So Kaoru has her emotional corner covered that leaves the other lead Maki. What about Maki? Where is her emotional anchor? Are they going to leave her hanging while they take care of Kaoru so well? Is it because she is kinda zombie and thus unable to be in one? Bullshit! We have seen enough evidence to know that Maki has feelings. She is like Arcueid in Tsukihime/Melty Blood, or Alucard in Hellsing or the Wolfman or any other lead in the monster-led story. She is the Beast and so she must have her Beauty. In other story structures, the Beauty would have been Kaoru but we know now that is not the case in Crow’s Blood. In fact it couldn’t be farther from that.

Yes, Maki is going around kissing girls left and right (by the end of episode one – zero, but by two – four!!!) but of course there is no romantic meaning behind that, otherwise that last kiss in the second episode would make things super awkward!

And so there I was, re-watching the first episode and then going on to the second and then my brain exploded in wonderful chocolatey fireworks! I found the Beauty to Maki’s Beast. I found Maki’s emotional anchor. I found her relationship thread in a character that shocked me beyond belief…


Yes, I had had delusions of this before the series started but of course that was all in my mind and never did I think that there would actually be something to it until the shows began! My mind was completely blown! When that thought occurred to me it grew like a cancer. It could not let go of me to the point of actually, actually, having a dream of this ship! I might not convince you as I might need more evidence with the following episodes and actual results, which might not really happen but let’s take it step by step and begin with this first episode…

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