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Wednesday [Netflix-Series]

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I see Wednesday as a prologue of the inevitable romance between Wednesday and Ined!

They met, they clashed but, in the end, they found their groove. They experimented with love but that didn’t go so smoothly for them and their Guys.

Story wise too, just having Hyde as the villain was kind of lack lasting, now that I think about it. Sure, in the end we got to three villains, but it was mainly Hyde from the very beginning.

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I’ve re-spawned!

Look, I don’t know how much tears a grown ass person has to cry to get Bitch status, but this week alone I am 100% sure that I have tripled the cap for said status!

Seriously, I haven’t cried this much with happiness for years!!!

I started off the week with Cheese Sisters (yes, it’s already out! I am disappoint in you all for not letting me know BTW!) and that made me bawl my eyes out. Then last night I started this new show of Thomasin McKenzie titled TOTALLY COMPLETELY FINE from stan!

What freakin great television!!

I am also 100% sure that there’s going to be a lot of naysayers about this ship but I give zero fucks! If you came to vent, go talk to a wall! There will be no comradery here for negativity because of a simple blip!

Whatever anyone thinks it was, this is hands down the best confession I’ve heard in years!!!!

My cheeks are still wet! Jesus!

I don’t know if it is because I have dedicated every single second of my attention to this show, like seriously, it’s 13:30 and I haven’t slept because I’ve been watching this show since late hours of the night!!

I don’t know if it’s because despite a dark cloud when a sudden romance showed up between Vivian and Dick, that led to sex, then led to a fight between her and Amy, that ending still happened, but the church scene hit me so damn hard I don’t think I am going to recover for a long while until it is topped!!!

Here is to hoping it will be Thomasin’s very own next project (EILEEN)!

You all know what I am talking about, right? Lots of times you dedicate your precious time to give 100% of your attention to a show, only to be let down so damn hard!

But then once in a million, you get the reward that hits so damn hard you feel it at the very core of your being! It’s as if you have been given a fresh spirit to inhabit your body, free of burden, free of pain and all full of happiness!

I just got that here!

And if you truly paid attention at every second, if you knew Vivian, if you knew her and Amy, you damn well know no one can take away this win from you! Not Small Paul, not the writers on crack during that WTF min, not anybody!

I am most definitely not letting anyone take it away from me!

Look at those scree grabs I posted above! That is the last scene of the show people!

Like, there was one moment I was sure I would have gotten a heart attack, had it come to fruition! So, you see Vivian has this ring she wears on a necklace throughout the show, right? Amy had a necklace too, which Dick took off her after she put on her wedding dress!

There was a moment during the confession where my mind just flew to a fantasy where Vivian ripped off that necklace, took of the ring, and gave it to Amy, nay, put it on Amy’s finger right there!

Seriously, had that happened, it would have ended me!

So I guess I should be happy that it did not in fact happen! But I have a feeling that the only reason it did not is because the writers got the usual jitters! Hence the blip! Can’t blame them though, in this age of cancel culture!

Seriously, if you are thinking of watching this series, take your time. Give it every second it demands! Give it your full attention. When you get to that scene…

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OMG! I can’t…I just…I fuckin can’t!!
