百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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Hitomaika V – Welcome Back Maika

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I don’t have any experience and I don’t mean to belittle the actual events but to me this is like almost what I imagine married couples feel like when they see their loved ones returning from serving!

Like Hitomi’s reaction here in these pics I have seen hit me really hard and by surprise! From what I see she reacted the most out of all the girls! She was near tears from what I see, nay I think she did cry. I really need to see event in video format! Come on Management, you have been really good lately as if you listened to my wish to release =LOVE’s live performances! Ever since my wish we have had like, three, if not four LIVEs already! Granted those were joint LIVEs like Strawberry Project and TIF!

But anyway, let’s get back to Waifu Hitomi and affected she was by Husbando Maika’s return in a blaze of glory, transformed with a different, and very unexpected hair-do but looking as lovely as I remember her!

Speaking of return, this has been the best two months for me! Not only did my Team 8 Oshi Yokomichi Yuri return after taking a long hiatus due to concentrating on her studies, now my =LOVE Oshi Maika has also returned after a period of more than a year!

God, it’s been that long I have felt her absence every single day! Excuse me while I join Waifu Hitomi in crying tears of happiness! I have yet to watch Yuri’s return stage but it’s in the queue. For now I am watching her in the 13th AKB48 Anniversary Stage!

And there I go again going off the rails…

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Dear Sleep, You’re Fuckin Cancelled!

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I wasn’t ready Life!

I frikkin wasn’t ready for the return of MAIKA-SAMA! 5 Am, sleep? How the hell can one sleep right now?! OMG I literally can’t!

Look at her, Just frikkin look at her! So majestic! I wasn’t fuckin ready for this?! What do I do? This is already the best fuckin day of the whole damn year! Like WTH! I am literally hit with so much sugar rush I am spending two days awake after this! There is no frikkin way I am sleeping!

Look at WAIFU! She couldn’t hold her tears too!! For the love of God, please release this event on TV, I beg of you Lord!


I knew she would return but I wasn’t expecting this?! Oh God! I need to get back to the twitters and raid all the pics! A huge shout out to all the great people on twitter that gave us this goodness! Forever grateful to you all!


I need a drink…See ya lads…