百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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Miki’s Love Letter to Mitsuki Translated!!!

130121 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep129.mp4 - 00031
130121 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep129.mp4 - 00008 130121 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep129.mp4 - 00043

That letter!

Did I mention how I simply adore my Readers?


Well I adore thee all. Why? Because you are all simply too great!!

Some more so than others though, and dearest hyousetsu is one of the greatest!

For hyousetsu heard my cries and went of their way to translate this lovely letter from Miki to Mitsuki, the two 14th Gen girls we discussed in the earlier Ariyoshi AKB post.

No matter how much I keep telling myself it was a prank letter, I just can’t help the feels!

And just as I thought, there was something that was rolled over so I am very grateful to hyousetsu for going out of your way to translate this for us.

Thank you.

Any way, onto the letter….

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Ariyoshi AKB – Prank Love Letter



Maeda Mitsuki (14)
Nishino Miki (13)


What would a 14th Gen 14 year old girl do when confessed to?

Well, that was very interesting to say the least, a very interesting episode!

First of all I didn’t know whether to jump in joy or cry because we all know of the ‘NO LOVE/DATING’ rule that glares at you on the first page of the rule book! So of course there would either be a false answer, a bitter true answer or a fake (for show) okay answer.

So yeah, I didn’t know how to take this thing but after watching it, I was actually left with a pretty sweet feeling, not to mention a new ship!

Yep, we of the fandom ship everything at a moment’s notice! With over 200 girls, even a computer would cry bits of tears trying to calculate the possible ships in the Family48.

I really pray to all the subber out there and translators, if you are reading this, please translate this segment at least. I really want to know what was being said. Even just the letter would do. I am dying to know >.<

But from what I understood….

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ChoriAnna (HKT) & Miyuri (TGS) Pics


Yamabe Miyu & Nakae Yuri


Murashige Anna & Nakanishi Chiyori

Strange pairings for sure but for some reason they have been on my mind lately.

Hopefully the heat will die down soon otherwise I might be forced to bring out the Word Processing.

You don’t want me to have a Word Processing thingy in my possession.

Na uh!

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