百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

1 Comment

Vid – Brave [Frozen]


Well well, you know what they say about the Flash…I mean, what they say about being late – It’s leagues better than never!

And I gotta say I was right in waiting! Because I got more material to work with in regards to ELSANNA than if I had jumped the gun from the get go! And why now? Why not wait for the sequel next year?

I think I speak for everyone when I say I have my doubts about Frozen 2! Disney has a very bad track record when it comes to fucking up ships in sequels! Which has me greatly worried for not only FROZEN 2 but also MALEFICENT 2! I sure pray to the good Lord that they don’t do it now! Hopefully that fiasco with Alice Through the Looking Glass got them to rethink their forced het!

Anyway, I kind of missed the ball on this too. I should have posted it on Christmas! But as it is, I made slight modifications to make it less…Christmasey… Hope you like…

Long live WINCEST!