百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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[Pics] Time Travel, When Art Thou?!

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Lady_Vengeance_137328cd Samaria_7878f37a
Muoi_cbb63a4c Cinderella_63863fea Martyrs_954e637c
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wc1 Yeogo_goedam_4_Moksori_de891b7a My_Wife_Is_A_Gangster_2_81d77b61

Do you ever like, just sit down and think of how you miss a certain movie period?

I do!

For me it’s the 2000s, especially the early half! Movies then were just on another level, in line with my tastes of course! South Korea especially was super active in horror that I can’t thinking of the Western Movies era! Now a days we have to pray for a miracle to get such movies, let alone good ones!

Oh well, good thing Tartan Asia was here to supply me with all the good physical copies so I can re-watch them anytime I like!

I miss those times and those types of movies! Come on Kora, get to it! Where’s that nostalgia virus Hollywood is spreading? Continue reading


Yuri Movie Recommendations!

Eun-ju & Hye-jin 3
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Okay, so one of my lovely Readers asked me on Twitter to recommend them some other yuri movies to watch after I posted My Top Ten. It turned out that we have the same taste (too many things we both love) and since they have watched My Top 10 movies already (That’s what they are telling me and I believe them, same taste and everything), I figured that I might as well recommend something not yet discussed.

With that and the fact that I might never get the chance to discuss them, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to post those few recommendations here on the blog. So jump over for the short list and remember, this site s ‘yuri goggles’ meaning that you will need them goggles for some of these movies! I know I have said it before but I love light ‘yuri’ (or subtext as it was known before) and I am aware to most that is a not so good thing so I am warning you.

You will need to crank up your visors to >9000 for some of these movies. If you are looking for 100%, there are some in here but not all of them. I want to particularly warn you about ‘The Twins Effect’ and ‘Naked Weapon’. Some of the ‘Tomie’ movies also aren’t ur yuri so go into these without expectations.

And yes, I am aware of the amount of Korean movies, especially horror  but what can I say? Korea knows their movies and Horror is my favourite genre so, um yeah!

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