百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

[NMB48] Virginity – Something Is Afoot!



So…A longer (If not FULL) PV of my favourite 48 group NMB48’s 5th single ‘Virginity’ has been let loose!

To many, especially those who require goggles, this may be disappointing and even to those who don’t, like myself, I have to say that it could have done with less dance and more of the background story!

And MORE MAACHUN!!!! There was like only two or less instances of her in the frikkin video!!! Just because she took the front lines in the dance of the virgins on celibacy night doesn’t mean I will let them get away with it!

Seriously, all other senbatsu members got their just desserts and the none senbatsu like The Jo and Airi and some other girl I have yet to know well!


Any way, I picked up some clues (Ha! take that Sherlock!) in this PV so let’s get started on them…


[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00035
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00036
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00010

It’s the year 20XX

We see Sayanee giving a visit to someone…It’s None other than Milky. We jump in the middle of what looks to be an argument…

Milky: That was High School. We were playing around.
Sayanee: I wasn’t playing around! I…I loved you!…I-I love you~
Milky: Please leave…And don’t come here again! *Slams Door*

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00016

Later at her home…

Sayanee: That Bitch! *Raeps bed!* She was just playing around huh! *Hits it some more* Well…We will see about that!

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00014
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00015

At the local hospital, Nana-sensei is busy going down on someone when…

Ainyan: Sensei! We have an emergency. Patient No.060 is…
Nana-sensei: O.O
*A muffled voice that sounds farmiliar comes from under the desk*: Ahn_ No! Don’t stop!
Ainyan: “…”

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00009

Ainyan pours her broken heart out to her best pal Sayanee during after work ‘pub time’

Ainyan: Tha-That bitch *sniffs* *gulps* I can’t believe it that she’s been…*Gulp* All this time…*Waaaaah”*
Sayanee: *Totally pissed OFF* That’s fuckkin it!

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00017
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00018

Sayanee gives Milky the final visit…

Milky: Oh great, it’s you again! What in the fuckkin- *gets cut off by a sweet Sayanee)
Sayanee: *Hold up hands in surrender with a smile* Hey, hey, calm down. I just wanted to come and say goodbye properly, okay? Here,*Hands Milky a basket of fruits* ( yes, tomatoes are fruits AND vegetables) it’s not much but I hope you accept this at least. Well then…Thank you for that short trip to heaven you gave me. it may have meant nothing to you but it meant the world to me. I will never forget it. So…thank you! Well then…Bye Miyuki-chan~ (See what I did there?)
Milky: *Looks on with a strange expression as Sayanee walks away*…When she can’t see her anymore, Milky closes the door and after leaning against it for a while, she reaches into the basket for a tomato. She takes a bite as a tear roles down her cheek…Then…

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00019

As she leaves, a non-mistakable ‘thud‘ reaches Sayanee’s ears.

Sayanee: *Just grins and continues walking*



Sayanee – A very terrifying woman!

But that’s not all…

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00001
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00002

There is something going on between The Jo and Bishi-Airi. things aren’t looking very great though

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00003 [SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00004
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00006
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00007 [SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00008

Either she’s shouting at the top of her lungs – “ I LOVE YOU AIRI-SENPAI”  or Maachun and Ripopo are knocked out by the lolific bust or pansu!

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00012
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00013

Later, The Jo best pal has finally had with with this silly crush that’s going nowhere and leaving her friend, her secret crush, only hurt in the process!

Le Pal: Why don’t you just forget about her Jo! You will only get hurt further.
The Jo: …You don’t understand…
Le Pal: Oh for…Why can’t you see that there are many who will do anything for you?! She can’t be the only source of happiness for you! I…I…
The Jo: Looks on expectantly…



Any way…

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00021

Mirurun is so the Boss bitch of this team!

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00023
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00024 000
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00026 [SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00027
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00025 [SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00028

Maachun breaking it down with the virgin-gundan (All none-virgins to the back…sorry!

[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00032
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00033

And Sayanee’s awesomeness simply demands to be fuckkin blogged!

In other words…

I love it and the song is already stuck in my head!

People are already looking at this strange person who is singing about Virginity in public like a maniac!

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

4 thoughts on “[NMB48] Virginity – Something Is Afoot!

  1. I love how you even made dialogues for each scene. XD
    I actually read this article before watching the PV so it made it a lot more interesting! Haha~

    Truthfully, I was a little disappointed with the PV. I guess I expected a lot more. It’s the same with SKE’s KataFina.

    Anyways, great articles as usual! ^^

    • Thank you nhickz,

      Good to see someone appreciates teh effort ^^

      Anyway, yeah, I was the same with KataFina…especially that kiss. >.<

      But as said that was my fault for expecting much more!

      Oh well…Not all PVs can be as perfect as Aimer's…

  2. huh..I didn’t watch it yet…where I can watch it?? I found 1..but adi been blocked..T.T

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