百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

HIT Season 3 [ES-Series]

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Hugo Ibarra Toledo

You know when they say that good things come to those who wait? Or that patience pays? Well, this series proves true both statements because goddamn!

Not one, not two, but three seasons we had to wait! Not even that, in the third season we had to go all the way to the very last episode before we got something! Talk about unrealistic demanding of trust and patience!!!

If anyone wanted to know the value of experience, here it is! Sometimes you just know that there’s something! There might not be physical evidence but you can just feel it in your bones that over that hill you are bound to find something!

That is how I felt while I was following this series! Yeah, sure, it might have had to do with seeing some familiar faces but let’s be honest, very rarely do actors play the same types of roles. Just because they were super gay in the previous project does not mean they would be in the current or next.

This is true to this series as well! I saw many familiar faces but none of them brought it unfortunately! And speaking of familiar faces…

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OMFG freckles, is that you!!!? I haven’t seen you since The Boarding School!!! How have you been!?! God, I missed her so! She really stole that show as the girl! Three girlfriends in and she was still the best one in that show for Adele and most memorable, let’s be honest!

But unfortunately, like I said, rarely do actors play the same roles and here not only was she not gay but she did not even have a relationship! Then again, this was no place for relationships, and I am surprised that the subject at hand even exists!

You see, this series in general is about some unique teacher who seems to have a knack for handling problematic students. I personally think that he should consider being a specialised consultant that schools hire to deal with those problematic classes, we all know each normal school has one!

The difference this time is that he is in rehab battling his alcohol addiction but that of course does not stop him from trying to pass wisdom on to these lost teenagers, even as he fights his own battles!

This being a rehabilitation centre means we have a lot of younglings battling addictions of all kinds and among them we have a rich star name Nora and a poor girl with eating disorder called Julia!

I was mostly interested in Julia because of her one trait that always raises flags, which his that she finds intimate actions gross and un-appealing, meaning of course that she’s still got that V-card! I just knew that would come into play letter and to be honest I am always such a sucker for first timers.

But even more interesting, on the other side we have Nora, who is all kinds of ‘experienced’ because of what she had to do to be successful in the punishing entertainment industry! Not only were they opposite in that regard but their personalities clashed in real time, and we all know how the saying goes!

I have to be honest though, the signs were scarce! If they did not turn into anything there would not have been any surprises! Thankfully, they did do the thing and brought these two together even if Prime is still being prime in that they always half-ass things!

Seriously, it’s not just me seeing things but I have yet to watch an Amazon Prime series that satisfies me with their story. The only one that I can think of is I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER but outside that, I always leave disappointed and not because I did not get what I want but because for some reason all stories I have seen are half-done!

That goes both literally and figuratively! The story will either skip over or half-touch on the themes that they are trying to address, as if someone reviewed the show and said, you know what, that’s getting too real, let’s just stop there! In other words, they bring up things that they never finish touching on and leave them hanging, or on the other hand they just plain skip over things!

All routes stink of lack of balls, as such I now always approach a Prime series with low expectations!

HIT is also no different!

I already have said that things did not move until the very last episode, right? That is not a problem but to want to go through all the stages of a relationship in one single episode that still has to over the other characters and still round up the series in just too much of a fuck dump!

As you might guess, not everything was wrapped up and that which was, was done in such a sloppy way! Best assured if this series gets a fourth season and the season follows directly on from the third, lots of characters will be gone and their absence skipped over!

Better yet maybe show shit that didn’t happen in a ‘story so far’ intro!

Okay, this feels like a rant now so let’s move on, shall we!

I love Julia, both her character and the actor! She has such striking unique features and damn, those eyes, those lips, them curls, *drool*!

Ahem, perv alert!

I love her innocence and the way that she did not understand that Nora was coming on to her, or even when the other guys tried to come on to her! She really puts some perspective on understanding people and that not everyone is perceptive at body language and that sometimes you have to be clear in your intentions.

She is like me in that way because while I do understand some body languages, when it comes to emotions, I am clueless! This sometimes has people thinking that I am bold or that I know what I want but the fact is that I just don’t assume, I make sure! I will walk up to the person and talk to them point blank! Not innuendos or games from me!

Vibing with Julia meant that I of course loved her character, even when she was being a bit over-bearing but then again, everyone there was just living on the edge and unhinged, so it wasn’t very out of character!

Their first kiss was nothing to writer home about, having happened out of the blue due to the two girls having a fight with some boys and then Nora feeling the need to show that Julia was her girlfriend, but they had the talk, and the reaction was understandable so I will let it slide!

I find these two interesting because this was new territory for the both of them. Add in the fact that they had the courage to try something like being in a relationship given their other issues demands respect from me and wish them the best.

Sure, it might fall apart because of that but why be pessimistic when…Oh no you did not just try to bring conflict into their relationship during their second kiss scene, damn you! Thankfully, this is where half-assing things is an advantage because that thread is cut off quick and it never goes nowhere because I was afraid that they would take the route of Julia faking her feelings for Nora only to get out of poverty!

The scene ended up with the two coming out to their friend (FRECKLES) and eventually Julia came out to the whole group when she admitted to being in love with Nora because the part of the play she was playing demanded her character be in love with Nora’s.

Speaking of the play, it was in all fairness about the two of them and the only complaint is that the show ended on it without resolving the issue of Julia being in danger of being kicked out due to her parents going even more broke for having lost their house! And since the play came after the second kiss scene, that vagueness about their feelings for one another should have been clearly addressed but I guess if we are using the play as a motif then the two are just fine!

Still, it irks me that we have to be vague about endings in this day and age, especially for a country like Spain!

Anyway, that is that!

Be seeing you around.


Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

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