百合 Goggles

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So…About Selina & Jen (TDKR)

Anne-hathaway juno-temple
Anne as Selina (Catwoman) Juno as Jen (Selina’s…er…)


All those flags about these two – Did anyone else notice them or was that just me?

I mean Jen seemed pretty touchy with Selina and those promises she spoke of of them two and what they wanted smelled quite lililicious f you ask me!

Then the way Jen was interacting with Bruce, like they were on equal ground (where Selina’s heart is concerned) as the had a heated word fight right outside Selina and Jen’s aboard!

I mean come on, that was the first time we see Bruce act like some kid and he was like, what, 40 or something?

I agree with most that the ending was most probably Alfred’s mousou and since we saw Bruce already having hallucinations of Ra’s al Ghul, that thought is not so farfetched. Actually, maybe it was Bruce’s delusion,as he drowned (before he was saved by Superman)!

Any way, these two really alerted my radar and in fact, they reminded me of a trend we are familiar with in anime – Like these two couples….

Kiddy_Grade_03 moe 8533 disc_cover dress el_cazador_de_la_bruja ellis gun nadie thighhighs torn_clothes
Lumiere & Eclair Elis & Nadie

Notice some similarities?

Sorry for lack of evidence but I have to wait for the BluRays otherwise I am afraid of what might happen to me right now….



Oh! Hi There Again,

The-Dark-Knight-Rises_c4dfb857The-Dark-Knight-Rises-155e19bc The-Dark-Knight-Rises-53352880
The-Dark-Knight-Rises-a9c59e45 The-Dark-Knight-Rises-d1606112

Come at me Bro




I’ma back from the most attention grabbing 3 hours! of my life!

Have you ever sat in a full cinema (Fuckkin night showings all booked out in all City cinemas so I had to go in the day but then the frikkin place was still full! GRRRRRRRRR!) with kids abound too and yet…and yet…through out the whole movie not a sound is made and you can actually hear people around you breathing?!!!

Like, seriously!

That is The Dark Knight Rises!

Dark Knight Rises

But then some sucker’s phone went off and I gotta say they were lucky they were in Dublin because all they received were heated cries and not bullets (Like some people in the US! Damn~)

I can say with confidence that kilos of popcorn had to be cleaned up afterwards because since there were no trailers before the movie (Where the fuck is my Superman Teaser!?!) They had no chance of eating it in the movie. I should know, I have evidence!

It was so damn quite yet not a fuck was given because everyone’s complete senses were stolen by the damn Batman Catwoman!

BTW, there is something very interesting I noticed about Selina but I won’t talk about it until Monday when I am confident all that don’t wanna get spoiled have seen it!

Very interesting indeed!

Damn you Nolan, I wan’ma brains back!