百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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Vid – All My Life [WMatsui/Mayuki/KumiNon/TGS]


Well, I was just going to post that vid ‘First Love’ I did all the way back onto my BG YT account but I decided to change some things all together. No idea why I did it but someone might like it any way so here goes…


8 VS 11. Ultra 1 Against Super 5. FIGHT!



The one and only Champion of GAY48 since the dawn of time – KUMINON (Yagami Kumi ϟ Kimoto Kanon)

From SKE48’s 8th single Kataomoi FINALLY,

aw3 aw4

Will the help of WMatsui (Matsui Rena ϟ Matsui Jurina)

Will take on all the apparently top couples of SKE from the extras of the 11th single Choco no Dorei.

The battle will be fought with nothing but mouths.

We are all aware of the fearsome and un-paralleled power of KUMINON and I confess I still have good dreams about a single that was released exactly a year ago!

Can these couples, with a little help from WMatsui themselves (don’t expect kisses from them –_-), stand a drop of a chance at beating eternal champions?

We here are of the community and we are not so cracked that we would not give anyone a chance.

So, let’s give them a benefit of a doubt and let them put up their best fight.

Who wins?

You decide!

Let’s get this party started…..


First challenger up is…

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Fic – Kataomoi FINALLY! 1/? [Kumin/Non]


Kumin ~ Yagami Kumi (Team S) Non ~ Kimoto Kanon (Team E)

Can someone say…


Yep, I am taking the teased story of SKE48’s 8th single Kataomoi FINALLY about Kumin and Non and twisting it just a little bit more.

I mean, it might actually have been this but we could never know, what with the non-explanations of anything at all in the PV. For crying out loud, these two appeared like once! ONCE! The two that made that single kick all the others’ asses and they didn’t even go deeper into them?!

To hell with that I say!

So I decided to do something about it! I created a world for these two, and though it might be a little dark, and icky to some, I feel that it fills in well with the single’s actual world, well, the world the image of the single was giving to me. I mean, sexy parties, out with racing gangs, and drugs too just isn’t all roses, well, there were the TWO ROSES (if you know what I mean) but the world in KataFina itself is a dark one.

So I figured let’s go darker. Though not too dark!

And here we are.

The chapter is kind of short but there will be more. I didn’t want to break your hearts to much with the first chapter so let’s leave it at this for now, ne?

Do tell me what you think, okay? If it’s too much, I might redeem myself with a fluff but I feel it wouldn’t fit in with KataFina’s over-all image.

Also I don’t know but if this is a success, (for me, not you) I might break out into the other un-explored stories of KataFina.

We shall see, we shall see…

Any way here you go….

Kataomoi FINALLY

Black Gekikara

An SKE48 Yagami Kumi and Kimoto Kanon Story

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Pics – More KataFina Madness + KumiYuri

Non & Kumin

Team S’s Yagami Kumi and Team E’s Kimoto Kanon came right out of nowhere to snatch the second spot to my SKE48 ship ranking. Actually, it’s just a thin line before they take over WMatsui. I mean I love WMatsui but Rena is making things pretty difficult, no matter how much I love her I just can’t take all the none loving Jurina is getting outside of work. If we get just one more Nomi in the future, things are getting turned on their sides. Before Kataomoi, I hadn’t even thought of this possibility and my eyes were all for KumiYuri but then BAM! Now KumiYuri is taking a backseat to these two!

Rena & Jurina

Nothing much to say about these two figure heads of SKE48 really. If you don’t know about them…May Goddess Yukirin help you! It is only a work  scandal but I am still shipping them even three years later so all is normal. But Rena….Please come to your senses. At first you were all for Ono Haruka, what ever happened to that? But even as Jurina still tried to gain your attention, you turned to Team K-II’s Furukawa Airi who you are now thinking of getting married to. Won’t you please think of your true love? If this keeps up, it will be too late and there won’t be a thing you can do.


Speaking of Rena and Weddings…

Churi & Rena

Team K-II’s Takayanagi Akane and SKE48’s Ace Rena are getting married no thanks to playa Jurina. Or maybe it’s thanks to her that these two finally came to understand their true feelings in that they didn’t actually love Jurina but each other and were just jelly confused! Is this the future of the Kataomoi PV? I can totally see it happening. There have been many incidents where people confused their feelings by falling for the same person while in fact they…

Here is the answer.

I wonder what Kataomoi Jurina is up to in the future? Probably running a Host club…

Yuria-peace & Shiorin

We definitely know what Team S’s Kizaki Yuria and Team K-II’s Ogiso Shiori are up to in their future alright!

Living the dream!

Matsurina & Shawako

While Yuria and Shiori and all about outside romance (going on dates every other evening), Team K-II’s members Matsumoto Rina and Hata Sawako are all for indoor games. Playing the hasbando and waifu game for all its worthy.

And there you have it dear Readers, ahead are the pics of these SKE48 couples that even though some make no sense (Thank you Kataomoi), others are to die for.

Oh, and there is KumiYuri in there as well.

Ta ta…

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Bimyo Favourite Segments ~VII~

I am God

Another fancy dinner for two…Ladies!

Fate doesn’t secernate. It intervenes for everyone. Even criminals.

I don’t know about anybody else but with gods as awesome as mine, what more do I need, knowing I have such awesome higher beings over-looking my life?

I mean…

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