百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Ahgassi 2nd Experience…

Spellbindingly Beautiful Intensifies!

…even better than last night!!!!

Dear Readers, I don’t think I am going to stop watching this movie in the cinema! I think I am in dire need of hel-

Wait a minute…I have Unlimited Membership, which means I can watch this movie any time I damn want, as many times, in a single day, as I damn can! I don’t need no help!

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The Handmaiden!


Dear Readers, it has finally happened!

I have finally watched Ahgassi in its entirety, previously having been a pussy…cat, to actually finish it because I thought it would be too much for me!

It is now almost 2 in the morning, having caught a late night showing on opening day here in Dublin! I have to be up for work (yes, I work weekends too) in four hours tops but I just have to give you my first real impression of this movie!


There are two movies in my life that have completely changed my view on movies in their category. The Handmaiden is the 2nd one! These two movies are now the two that all others of their kind will be judged! Any movie that dares have a theme of yuri in it’s existence shall from now on be judged with Ahgassi. And they will fail!

I under-estimated how much I would actually love this movie! Previously it was because it is based on my favourite book, so it had to be the best! I also had the thought that since I know that book almost as intimately as the back of my hand, I thought I would be a little disappointed having already known the plot!

I was wrong!

This is it guys. it is already stated but now I am making it a life statement. The Handmaiden/Ahgassi, is now and forever, my favourite, my No.1, my most treasured experience in the whole of my life!

All the things I thought I would come out of the theater feeling, all the feelings I thought I would have while watching this movie, all those things were wrong! I will need a longer post, and most probably after a second viewing tomorrow to explain this but, of all the things I thought I would come away with from seeing this movie, a cracked face that is the result of dried tears, un-even breathing that is the after-effect of crying like a baby, those were not the things I expected to be feeling after words.

But they are!

I have once again been changed but a movie! I am never going to look at yuri movies from now on the same way again. I know from experience from the other movie, that I am going to have to live with disappointments from now on because no other yuri movie shall ever make me feel emotions like Ahgassi has!

Even the little portion I saw from the rips felt completely different to me! Is it the subtitles, now that they are official? The movie was completely different this night!

Dear Readers, I don’t even know what…

I need to sleep these emotions off, think of this, watch the movie again tomorrow after work, then make sense!

Sorry, I will see you all tomorrow!

Good night!




The Handmaiden is finally here!!

Almost a year and we finally get it in our Cinemas!


You will not believe it but I am actually feeling pretty anxious! It is finally happening! it feels like last April all over again! Oh God, am I going to survive the cinema experience? I guess we will know in these three days!!!

Thank the Lord I have unlimited! I am working all through the holidays but believe you me anytime I can I am watching this movie! I don’t care if the times are back to back! I don’t care if I have five minutes to make it to work (place is only 10 mins away). I am watching this movie any day I can until it finishes its run!

Oh man, I am so not ready for this! Almost a year and still not!

Bless this movie! Bless Park Chan-wook. Bless our ladies Kim Min-hee and Kim Tae-ri!

Bless everything!




The World’s Greatest Baka!

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I’m a class A Ba~ka!

Why? Well, guess who just bought The Handmaiden record?


Guess who doesn’t own a Record Player?


Like, what even me? What was you thinking me?

I do not know and I do not care! I just had to own this record! The jacket is out of this world! It is after all based on that scene, that impossible bathtub scene with the tooth! I will never ever get over that scene!

The jacket is too big to scan so you will have to settle for phone pics I am afraid! But really, just watch the movie and you will get the exact pic in HD!

I love this movie!

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