百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Here Is The Real SSK 2017!

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00480
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00022 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00029
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2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00092
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00095 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00077
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00063 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00102

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00611 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00615
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00659 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00641
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00645


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00588
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00591 2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00039
2017 06 17 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀.mp4 - 00038


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00206
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170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00116
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170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00065
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00061 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00071
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170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00273
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00275 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00278
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170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00323
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170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00398

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00671
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00673 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00676
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00678

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00695
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00692 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00707
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00712


170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00092
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00091

170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00291
170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00304 170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00299

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170617 SHOWROOM 第9回AKB48総選挙SHOWROOM裏生配信 MC柏木由紀 - YouTube.MKV - 00057

Like, this is no regular SSK, this is the YUKIRIN BOWL!

Jesus, I have never seen so much hugging, hand and eye sex in the same sitting like I have done with this 9th SSK Showroom special hosted by none other than yours truly, the Idol of Idols – Kashiwagi Yuki!

Dear Yasusu, whenever you ever look to retire, do not worry, there is a worth successor to your Kingdom. Yes, I know who you are thinking of already but you know, just in case you ever have to fall back to plan B, I am just saying!

But that is talk for other people, what I am interested in is the real subject at hand and that is WHO WON THE YUKIRIN BOWL?! That is going to be a tough one! And yes, that implies that Mayuyu might not have had it easy this time around! But that explanation requires details and time for those I do not have right now. There were of course some disappointments, I am of course looking at you Okappa-chan, Sakura-tan and Sashiko too! Actually add Sayaya and Jurina on that list too. I was expecting something from them and I did not get it but hey, competition was really tough and some already gave up all the way from the get go when Mayuyu struck the first blow! A blow that only the Soukantoku could counter by managing to take some points off the table in the early stages before the game even started!

Seriously, if you haven’t watched this showroom yet, you watched the wrong SSK! Get to it already! There are countless copies of this on YouTube, A!O has it too (though I do not recommend their copy. It skips a lot towards the last 3rd of the video).

But even though the battle is to soon be decided, here are my Top contenders:

  • Mayuyu (of Course)
  • Miichan
  • OgiYuka
  • Yuihan
  • Hinatan
  • Komiharu
  • Gatanee

Okay, that doesn’t help at all, huh? Well, that is all I can do. But really, who am I kidding, you all know Mayuyu is going to be in the Top 2 so…

Anyway, chew on this for a while and I will see you soon…


AKBINGO! ep370 – Couples Battle Part1

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Yuiri/Naachan VS Miion/Mogichan

Please I beg of you my lovely Readers, please do not ask why I am just now posting about this because I have no answer for you! Okay, I mean there is a tiny winy reason but it will sound like excuses so I will just leave it be and would appeal to you to leave it as such too. It is better to be late than never anyway, am I right!

I wish to also take this moment to explain something. Most of you have not realised it probably but I have been using a different resource for image links. I wonder if anyone noticed it. The reason for this is that my subscription for extra WordPress storage has run out and this is a bad time (Jan/Feb/March always is). That means that I can’t upload any-more items to my gallery on yuri-goggles. For the moment I am using my other (adult) blog for hosting images until I get my subscription back up again. It is rather expensive for a yearly subscription of only 25G extra and since I am running out of that as well, I have to go for the 100GB which will set me back 160 per year but hey, what am I gonna do? I tried deleting all media before 2016 but at a certain point files couldn’t be deleted any-more so that doesn’t work either.

Sort things out WordPress! For this amount of cash you should be flawless!

So yeah, that is for anyone who noticed things were wonky there for a while, or visited some posts and there were no images showing. Those posts will be the ones before July 2011, as a warning to anyone else.

With that out of the way, let’s move things along…Man, AKBINGO is trying real hard to be relevant again and if they keep dishing out episodes like this, well, they should all but consider it success because MY GOD!!!


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