百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


SKE48 – Kataomoi FINALLY! [MV]

SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00037
SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00023 SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00233
SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00183
SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00102 SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00199
SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00293
SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00269 SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00194
SKE48 - Kataomoi FINALLY!.m2ts - 00318

Sweet Baby Jesus!

I had almost forgotten how so frikkin gay SKE48’s 8th Single was…is!

Yes, I know it is a crime worth the death penalty, that I have not written a dedicated post about this MV after all this time! I mean I have written many an article about the single already but not the typical Music Video posts I usually do! So please, go ahead and punish me, I accept your wrath!

Almost 7 years…It’s almost 7 years since this single released for crying out loud! Jan 2012, Shall never forget that moment, nay, shall never forget the end of 2011! We got teasers of the single right around Christmas and if that was not the best ever Christmas present from AKS, I don’t know what presents are!

To this day, not a single from the 48 Family, 46 Family and that includes our sisters overseas, has come even close to the epicness and balls this 8th single from SaKaE 48 had! What is even more mind-blowing is that there was much more to this Music Video that was cut, from the sheer out-there-ness of it! More about this after the jump!

There have been Music Videos from other Idol groups and Artists that have come close but not any of the immediate family holds a candle to this single! And it is not just about the gayness, just like the songs of gens long gone, the song was powerful in it’s own right! These are a rarely these days! The possibility of getting one might even reduce me to tears, because that’s how rare they are!

Seriously though, it’s been so long that current fans would not even recognise most of the girls in this Music Video! Yes, that includes both the fans that were here back then and the new! For me though, SKE48 was the shit back then! At the time I think they were my favourite because of WMatsui as MAYUKI was pretty weak back then! So while I did not have them on my mind, as soon as I saw the girls’ faces, I instantly remembered, their names, their ship partners their teams and how gay they were!

This single was such a surprise, it made the controversy of AKB48’s 17th Single HEAVY ROTATION seem like kindergarteners crying over spilled milk! It not only boosted SKE48’s rep but the girls themselves got attention outside of WMatsui! Revisiting the MV, I am still shook that AKS manages to release this at all! Like, there is no way in hell they can release something remotely close to this nowadays! I mean like, this was after the backlash at Heavy Rotation but AKS was like, “Take this L and stick it up yours Fools!”

And don’t get me started on the quality of this MV! SKE48 Music Videos have always been miles ahead of AKB48’s when it came to quality but that is really not saying much! AKB MVs are easily the worst quality out of all the sisters!! But damn, this was 2012! Look at that production quality! Not just about the actual visual Q but also the themes, the camera-work, the editing…God!

But to be fair, I was too blinded by the GAY back then to care about quality! And really, AKB’s MVs at the time were pretty decent! I mean those were the days of BEGINNER (Epic), Flying Get (Miracle), Sakura no ki ni narou (Emotion)! Those were some of the best produced MVs from AKB48!

Ah the FEELs just thinking of those years…Things were perfect back then!

Anyway moving on…


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Hitomaika VI – 12

『Documentary of =LOVE』 - episode9 -【12】.mp4 - 00426『Documentary of =LOVE』 - episode9 -【12】.mp4 - 00363『Documentary of =LOVE』 - episode9 -【12】.mp4 - 00967
『Documentary of =LOVE』 - episode9 -【12】.mp4 - 00633 『Documentary of =LOVE』 - episode9 -【12】.mp4 - 00885
イコたいむ(第12回)メンバー全員 20181225  (=LOVE,イコラブ).mp4 - 01100

So, those mad geniuses really went and done it! They really waited for Maika to return before they did another documentary! This is something that they used to do monthly but since episode 8 ‘IDOL’, we haven’t had a documentary since then, despite there being a load of events that took place!

They decided to wait it out in what has to be the most commendable patience yet, for Maika to return before they did another! Yeah, sure I would have hoped for Maika to have made her comeback during the one year anniversary, which would have been even more epic, but she wasn’t ready then!

But really, I do not care about that at all! All I care about is her return and the other juicy little details! Details like the fact that episode 8 was a Hitomi focus episode and episode 9 now, is basically a Maika focus episode, well, her absence and her return.

It is only 19 minutes long but it took me two hours to finish watching it! Pause, capture, play, capture, repeat! And here I am wishing it would have been an hour episode like episode 6! Ha, it probably would have taken me a whole day to finish watching that!

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Vid – Brave [Frozen]


Well well, you know what they say about the Flash…I mean, what they say about being late – It’s leagues better than never!

And I gotta say I was right in waiting! Because I got more material to work with in regards to ELSANNA than if I had jumped the gun from the get go! And why now? Why not wait for the sequel next year?

I think I speak for everyone when I say I have my doubts about Frozen 2! Disney has a very bad track record when it comes to fucking up ships in sequels! Which has me greatly worried for not only FROZEN 2 but also MALEFICENT 2! I sure pray to the good Lord that they don’t do it now! Hopefully that fiasco with Alice Through the Looking Glass got them to rethink their forced het!

Anyway, I kind of missed the ball on this too. I should have posted it on Christmas! But as it is, I made slight modifications to make it less…Christmasey… Hope you like…

Long live WINCEST!


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To All Dear Readers…

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[News] Tomorrow…

Marvel's Runaways Season 2 Trailer (HD).mp4 - 00012
The Runaways Hold The Power Now in New Season 2 Trailer for 'Marvel's Runaways' - News - Marvel.ts - 00002 Marvel's Runaways- Season 2 Trailer (Official) - A Hulu Original - YouTube.mkv - 00007
Marvel's Runaways Season 2 Trailer (HD).mp4 - 00015 Marvel's Runaways Season 2 Trailer (HD).mp4 - 00005
The Runaways Hold The Power Now in New Season 2 Trailer for 'Marvel's Runaways' - News - Marvel.ts - 00024
Marvel's Runaways- Season 2 Trailer (Official) - A Hulu Original - YouTube.mkv - 00014 Marvel's Runaways- Season 2 Trailer (Official) - A Hulu Original - YouTube.mkv - 00015
The Runaways Hold The Power Now in New Season 2 Trailer for 'Marvel's Runaways' - News - Marvel.ts - 00035 The Runaways Hold The Power Now in New Season 2 Trailer for 'Marvel's Runaways' - News - Marvel.ts - 00041
The Runaways Hold The Power Now in New Season 2 Trailer for 'Marvel's Runaways' - News - Marvel.ts - 00022

Our Magical HandsTM Alien Baby Lesbian and her short-tempered Gothic Badass with a Cape Girlfriend are back in Season 2 of HULU’s The Runaways to end the year in lesbian style!

Good, good, Now I can finally make a video about them since I’ll have enough material to work with! I was taken by surprised in the first season and while I was one of the very few that saw the signs, I was still left in a dream-like state, not believing that they actually did it!

Now I am ready!
