百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


FNS Music Fest 2012 Highs


Is this teh future? Somebody tell me because I am blind to it! Too bright!


Last Gay? Because Kumin is leaving and without her….Tokei anyone? I think all the girls had a guy in that PV, right?


Holy Sh….!!! Sayanee! Yui-han!! WOT?!!



You wanna know what two things can make me go ‘Porn? get out of here!’? It’s yuri of course (not porn) and the other thing is…


I don’t know why but music sometimes makes me feel way more heavenly than porn could ever even dream of. Especially the live kind. Might have something to do with the fact that I’ve never attended a concert because I don’t think I would survive it!

And with the lack of yuri lately, I rolled my eyes at my ISP and went ahead and got this shockingly 4hrs long and 30gb LIVE.

Am I regretting it?

Not even one bit!

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