百合 Goggles

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Hitomaika VII – A Goddess!


Dear Readers, not long ago I had a wish!

That wish was that someone would just point me in the right direction or share the special photo sets of =LOVE’s 3rd Gay Single Teokure CAUTION!

Since there was post on the matter since then (August), you can conclude that there was zero success…until now!

Well, Maika-sama just granted my Wish!

Maika is indeed the second coming! She brought miracles! She all but dumped all images I was looking for the most, her and Maika and her and Iori! Jump over for the proof of the tweets (I touched up the images a little obvi) and the images themselves.

Like, what did I do to deserve this girl! I don’t think I do!

A happy new month to a lovely new year you all!

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