百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


Thought Ur TDC Feels over? Reality Check!!

1-2.m2ts - 00006

Hmmm…That does make me feel gu…

No no no. Not those kind of feels.

2-2.m2ts - 00044
1-2.m2ts - 00054 2-2.m2ts - 00042
1-2.m2ts - 00084
 1-2.m2ts - 00088
3-2.m2ts - 00030 3-2.m2ts - 00033
1-2.m2ts - 00055

That’s more like it!

Prepare thy soul for the legendary TDC feels revisited!

Yes, yes, I am aware I am a cheater in that I am only getting to experience the pain that is sure to be for the books because I was waiting for the BDs. As I am aware that probably most of you fans have already dried up your hearts already but judging by the rivers I cried last night, despite knowing what I was in for before-hand, I am pretty sure you are all in complete denial if you think you won’t baw once again when you watch this concert again.

That is of course if you ever get the guts!



Either way, to those who are new and aren’t even Acchan fans, were you to watch this concert, believe me when I say you better have a tissue box at hand! Despite yours truly not being such a fanatic of Acchan, I fought the tear wars and lost horribly. So believe me from my experience that this concert was the most feel-inducing so far!

Not only was it about Acchan but also that hated Shuffle bullshnats! If anyone doesn’t feel anything while they watch all those girls break down are in serious need of scientific study session!

Remember, remember the 2009 Shuffle shockfest? Well, take that and multiply it by a couple of tens of girls, a few teams and you have your levelled-up feels!

Three-team shuffles? Fuck that! How about six teams? How about fuckin country shuffles!?!!

And while we are at it, let’s break up all the couples too!!!

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