百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

‘Cause I Just Cannot Forget!

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They were so great!

I think I under-estimated my love for Akarin because even after a year and almost another half, I miss Akarin so much more than I miss Acchan!

It’s madness I know!

But ever since Akarin left, I just haven’t gotten into MomocloZ >_> And then SSTV goes and shows the MomoClo Top 10 request songs and Akarin is in there looking as glorious as ever and my pain grows anew!


So I decided to share my pain…To those who miss her anyway…with some gifs

First up, some DekoMayu (Akarin/Kanako official ship name)


momo6 momo7
momo1 momo2
momo3 momo4

They were so great >.<

And now for some Akarin…


Miss her so very much still!!!

I can’t help now but think of ‘Don’t Leave’ whenever I see her >.<

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

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