百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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[Vid] You Lost Me [Shishunki Gokko]


So, I love Christina Aguilera’s ‘You Lost Me’ so much that I have been struggling for a long while to find a fitting ship. Then about two or so weeks back, I was re-watching Shishunki Gokko (AKA Finding the Adolescence), because I want to get back to my old self that loved every little thing and wanted to love this movie way more than I originally loved it, if I did at all. To read more about my feeling on it, there is a post about it of course.

And so while I sat there, actually finding that my mission is succeeding in that I am actually loving the movie more this time around (though to be fair, that spinoff short helped tremendously) it just clicked with me! Takane and Mika are the embodiment of this song! And that is all she wrote.

Hope you likey…



Out With The Old, In With The New!

Step aside Miki/Misa, The Queen Ship is Here!!

You have served me well this past year as my Wallpaper young one, but your time is up! The throne has found its Queens!

Speaking of…


If Anyone has a link to this Taiwanese Site, I am on my Knees!

But wait, we are not done…


ZERO and Shishunki Gokko Behind the Scenes

Zero Ex8.mkv - 00102
Zero Ex8.mkv - 00045 Shishunki Gokko Making.m2ts - 00116
Shishunki Gokko Making.m2ts - 00205

So, took me some time but I have finally gotten around to watching the Extras to Shishunki Gokko and Zero movies. I was very looking forward to these because while Japan kind of suck in that one department where they never include deleted scenes in their extras, they do have lengthy behind the scenes videos. Or maybe they are just so good that they never cut scenes! Nah, impossiburu!

But while both of these movies did deliver on the extras, they are not equal in the quality of the content that they gave. Some releases never add any extra content beyond the trailer, which really boggles my mind to no end. Why would anyone need a trailer having purchased the whole damn movie? It makes zero sense! This is actually the area where TGS finally failed when they didn’t include any behind the scenes for the regular (not premium) release. I have cried about this to no end but I really wanted those extras for 5tsu movie! Alas we can’t have it all and no one is perfect it seems.

As I was saying, one of these two movies, Shishunki Gokko and Zero, failed to deliver and I have a feeling that if you were following the news I was posting about these movies before their release, you might have an idea of which movie let me down. That was of course SG!

I was very looking forward to that kiss in the extras where we actually get to see it properly without the camera lighting and far shots that took the fun out of it! I really feel like we were cheated out of that one! And it is not that they did not kiss, because they did. Even from the distance HD don’t lie! But it wasn’t enough so I was waiting the Making Ofs to have a look at it from a different, lighter, and hopefully closer angle but none of those wishes were granted. In fact the kiss was not even touched upon in the Making Of! It was totally schemed over like it wasn’t worthy focus. For me I think that the scenes they choose to have in the Making Of videos are the important ones since sometimes the casts and Director get to discuss them but not for this movie.

Actually all the Behind the Scene were not what you would expect, especially if you have watched a couple of those already. For Shishunki Gokko all they did was show the exact same things we saw but from a different secondary camera! All the scenes were ‘in action’ meaning that they were actually filming these scenes at the same time we were seeing them. Meaning that you never get to see anything new that you did not get to see in the movie which totally sucks major A! But even an easy job as that they couldn’t get right! Where is our different and closer look at that kiss scene?! Where is your conscious? Surely you felt that you might have cheated out on us viewers!

Thank the Lord Zero had all that and more! We got to see the girls being themselves behind the scenes which shows their chemistry outside the movie and for me when I see things like this they get me to love the characters they are playing even more. For example you wouldn’t think it seeing Ayami in the movie but she is still just a teen and she showed this the way she was playing around with Aoi behind the camera! Aoi on the other hand we got to see that she is actually a really laid back person. From her speech to the way she moves she screams delicate! I just want to protect her from the air itself! But even she wasn’t immune to Ayami’s infectious playfulness!

Meanwhile Shishunki Gokko didn’t give us anything new at all or something really about the personalities of Misato and Honoka. Well maybe an expert could just from their little interviews but even then I couldn’t get nothing! I was really disappointed with Shishunki Gokko’s extras! What a waste of HD space! Oh yeah, that is the one thing it beats out Zero’s extras in. Zero extras were all on the DVD included with the BD! This decisions blows my mind especially since Japanese DVDs and BDs aren’t that different in price, in fact sometimes DVDs are more expensive than BDs so it couldn’t have been about the money! Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers!

Enough about that though, let’s get to the pics…


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Shishunki Gokko [J-Movie]

Shishunki Gokko Main.m2ts - 00244
Shishunki Gokko Main.m2ts - 00380 Shishunki Gokko Main.m2ts - 00658
Shishunki Gokko Main.m2ts - 00563
Shishunki Gokko 思春期ごっこ

Ladies and Gentlemen, here we go! The last of the long awaited yuri movies since a year ago today and another of Miki Honoka’s series of dominating projects. This is her best performance to date in any of her works that I have seen and if anyone who watches this does not fall for her till the end of time, I pray for thy wellbeing. She was so good that she made my relationship with this movie so complicated. Even now as we speak, I still find myself lost as to where to place this movie on my list!

Now please there is no reason to panic! Let me assure you that this is a legit yuri movie and in fact there is no het anywhere in sight so stay calm and read on. I have watched this movie about eight times since I got my BD and yet every watch produces a different feeling from me towards the end. But while by that I usually mean that it gets better and better, this time it went back and forth, meaning that I might love it today, but then I watch it again and I am left so angry I wanna throw something! These feelings alternate so you can imagine my confused state as to how to rank this movie!

Remember how back a few months back when I got that Spin off DVD and I mentioned how there had to be a catch for us to be given such an awesome extra of a movie that wasn’t even out yet? Well, watching this movie I was once again proved right. I no longer feel positive about being right anymore! For some reason I am sure that had it been any other movie, the happenings of this movie wouldn’t have affected me that much after all the experience I have but this movie infuriated me from time to time.

From Little Trip (Houkago Lost), to the new movie where she plays a ghost that couldn’t move on to this, I am only praying that poor Miki Honoka did not get irreversible emotional damage from all the hurt her character in all three movies, all three movies that were released in a row suffered through! I obviously haven’t watched the third one (for which she cut her hair I would like to believe but there is another reason I think she cut her hair but much later on that) but the two that I have watched, her character was hurt so deeply that she cried. Her tears in Little Trip were a cake walk for her cries in this movie, let me tell you! I cry every time I watch that scene, but once again, I am getting ahead of myself as usual.

shishunki gokko000
Miki Honoka as Takane & Aoyama Misato as Mika 

The movie stars Miki Honoka, a girl that most, if not all of you will be familiar with by now. She first appeared on this blog, and my gaydar too, all the way back in 2010 I believe, when I found out that there was going to be a Live Action Marimite movie and she was playing Yumi, our main character! She was so young back then! She has starred in a lot of dramas and movies since then. She also has a twitter account in case some of you want to join the stalker list that I am on. Honoka plays Takane, the best girl as she is the one once again, that falls in love with the other main of our story.

Aoyama Yuki plays Mika, Takane’s classmate, best friend and secret love, well, until the climax of the movie that is. She loves books and her favourite author is Hanaoka Namie, a librarian at the local library that is a washed out writer despite still being a young woman. Namie plays a major role in the fate of Takane and Mika’s relationship. Mika’s dream is of course to be a fictional writer and though most will miss it, also very intelligent. Sure Takane called her an idiot but I don’t think she was that air-headed. Let’s just say for now that the secret love thing might have been Takane’s view on things. Then again there is the way she acted during the climax but that was kind of realistic, maybe so it is kind of hard to judge her. Before I drive myself crazy, let’s just get this over with, shall we?

All yuri fans out there, I wish to take this opportunity to mention something that I just realised, thanks to this movie. There is no denying that we have to suffer a lot mostly due to BAD ENDs or getting disappointed when for some reason the writers, or the directors get wet feet and suddenly turn our lesbian characters straight or dump that destination of the story all together.

Even with all that, I realised that most of the time, we always get the best stories! It’s not just me, right? I find all yuri stories more thought out, more feel-inducing, more impactful than the normal romance stories. I just figured this out recently so if anyone is looking for a reason as to why they love yuri despite all the pain, here is the reason.

Shishunki Gokko’s story falls into that same awesome story category. Before the movie, no one would think that it would be as serious as it turned out to be. I too was expecting cute girls doing cute things, or straight up fluff yuri (since we knew already from the synopsis that it would be yuri) so I was not fully prepared for what we got.

The final trailer kind of hinted at the seriousness when we saw that look on Takane’s face as she stared Namie down! But even then I did not think that it would be as deep as the movie actually turned out to be. If I were to promise you something about this movie it’s that it takes yuri seriously!

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