百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!

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Vid – 100k Subscribers Special Part 2


Thank you all again!

Here is Part 2!

Actually, this is a second version of part 2 as the first version had a song that was blocked worldwide on YT! The song in question being; Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart!

Those interested, you can watch it in the links.

Clips used from these projects (In order of appearance):

  1. Make Up
  2. Battle of the Sexes
  3. Novitiate
  4. Koi ~ Drama SP
  5. Titane
  6. Henry and June
  7. Replace
  8. +1



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Vid – Power Over Me [Make Up]


I mean, I did say it, didn’t I? That this movie moved up in the video queue! Well, at the very least no one thought it would be this soon, really, neither did I but I just couldn’t get it out of my head!

Especially since it turns out that it does after all win that BEST END award of 2020, with BLY MANOR a close second. Yeah, I know that was a very depressing ending but good is more than happiness!

Anyway, enjoy this little thing…



Vid – Ordinary World [The Haunting of Bly Manor]


Oh come on! You just knew this was coming! Seriously, their relationship was handled so well that for the first time I didn’t feel right not mentioning Dani’s Fiancé. And as such, he was in mind as I selected the song for Dani and Jaimie!

I might do a Halloween version later on but for now, let’s be bittersweet happy with Dani and Jaimie!

