百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


That FEEL…It ‘s like some dream

J-PERF.AKB48_Everyday.Katyusha.Talk.Coming.Soon!!.110606.ts_snapshot_03.23_[2011.06.11_00.54.46] J-PERF.AKB48_Everyday.Katyusha.Talk.Coming.Soon!!.110606.ts_snapshot_04.18_[2011.06.11_00.58.14]
J-PERF.AKB48_Everyday.Katyusha.Talk.Coming.Soon!!.110606.ts_snapshot_06.04_[2011.06.11_01.05.21] [SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00024
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00025
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00029 [SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00026
[SSTV] NMB48 - Virginity [x264-AAC-HDTV].ts - 00023

When Ur Oshi takes the Centre position just for the lulz

Because there is no way she will officially be centre. Them happy out of this world feels, do you guys know them?

I most definitely do ^^

But let’s take a moment to appreciate that could have been AKB centred by Yukirin…I have to say I can totally start to get why nobody in management want her at the front



Question/Answer Corner 1


Hello there Dear Readers,

First I wish to welcome another Reader of Yuri-Goggles Jennifer. Not only is she new here but it seems she just got into JPOP and Asian media. Jennifer had the chance to watch the First Love video and had a good few important questions that she wanted answers to so she asked for help. Sensing the good girl she is, (well those lovely words did do wonders for me. I love me some compliments too from time to time) I figured that I had to answer those questions for her. Besides, there may be other new members to the fandom that have similar questions so why not take care if that now.

To answer Jennifer’s questions, I am going to use my video – First Love to answer them for her, in that most of them were related to that video.

For a more depth take on JPOP or Asian POP really and other stuff not specifically related to the 48Family, there are good reviews out there for you. Just use the right keywords in your search engine of choice and you won’t go wrong. Asian Media has really grown in the last decade so there is lots of information about that sector all over the internet.

Here I am going to try and explain related things about JPOP, more specifically, the content of First Love.

Let’s begin with the biggest quandary…

What is this? What are these? Are they movies? What?

In other words, a little intro to Idols, PVs and the major groups is in order…

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[NMB48] Virginity – Something Is Afoot!


So…A longer (If not FULL) PV of my favourite 48 group NMB48’s 5th single ‘Virginity’ has been let loose!

To many, especially those who require goggles, this may be disappointing and even to those who don’t, like myself, I have to say that it could have done with less dance and more of the background story!

And MORE MAACHUN!!!! There was like only two or less instances of her in the frikkin video!!! Just because she took the front lines in the dance of the virgins on celibacy night doesn’t mean I will let them get away with it!

Seriously, all other senbatsu members got their just desserts and the none senbatsu like The Jo and Airi and some other girl I have yet to know well!


Any way, I picked up some clues (Ha! take that Sherlock!) in this PV so let’s get started on them…

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NMB48 5th Single – Virginity


They are at it again!

I was almost worried there for a second!

And the theme is about Virginity yet again?!! Do want!

Also promises of KataFINA moments?


Type C Cover

Not into SayaMilky (Sounds like Sour-Milk or something) but I am so very looking forward to that PV!

Where the hell are the previews anyway?! Too hot for TV?

God, I hope so!

Awaiting with baited breathe. In the meantime, Covers…

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Type A Type B Theatre