百合 Goggles

Yuri Is Life!


[Gifs] DekoMayu


The love I had for Hayami Akari is really scaring me. I mean it’s been years since she left and I am still not over her! Even while MomocloZ seems to be hitting the right mark as months go by, I am still fighting to get back into them and truthfully, haven’t succeeded yet.

Whenever I see a vid of MomocloZ, I always go back to my old Momoclo videos and re-watch those! I am a sad excuse for a person, aren’t! No one has ever affected me like she has with her leave! Just remembering her relationship with Kanako and how Kanako was back then it just…gah!

Better leave before I start emo-ing again. Jump ahead for more gifs…

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‘Cause I Just Cannot Forget!


They were so great!

I think I under-estimated my love for Akarin because even after a year and almost another half, I miss Akarin so much more than I miss Acchan!

It’s madness I know!

But ever since Akarin left, I just haven’t gotten into MomocloZ >_> And then SSTV goes and shows the MomoClo Top 10 request songs and Akarin is in there looking as glorious as ever and my pain grows anew!


So I decided to share my pain…To those who miss her anyway…with some gifs

First up, some DekoMayu (Akarin/Kanako official ship name)

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Cheerfu11y & Gal Basara [JMovies]



Starring lovely, lovely ex-Momoclo Hayami Akari and H!P’s Kikawa Yuu! And as you can see above they were really close in this lovely movie about cheerleading.

I  was very happy to see that Akarin’s sense of humour was very well appreciated in that they let her lead and narrate the movie to us. Needless to say that fact made watching this that much worth-while, other than the simple reason of hers and Yuu’s looks, that is.

gal b

GAL Basara

Gal Basara (Gal Basara: Sengoku Jidai wa Kengai Desu in full) is an SKE48 movie that I knew absolutely nothing about! You’d think that Yuria-peace being at the centre of it (and to an extend Ogiso) I would have already heard of it even before it aired but noooooo! I have to see it way after the DVDs are out!

Black Gekikara, –1.

gal basara-02 gal basara-03
gal basara-15 gal basara-16

Even worse is that Mariko-sama herself is in this movie so is Matsui Sakiko and half of the whole fuckkin SKE48 but did I know about this movie?!


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