百合 Goggles

Yukirin Is Love. Yuri Is Life!

What is this even…

1 Comment

150516 CDTV - AKB48 - Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai   Talk.ts - 00007
150516 CDTV - AKB48 - Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai   Talk.ts - 00005
150516 CDTV - AKB48 - Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai   Talk.ts - 00004
From CDTV!

I don’t know what to even feel anymore! I’m here trying not to think of what would happen to my heart if Yukirin like, went and put her hands on Sakura-tan’s shoulders! Maybe even give her a little massage or something! Good Lord, now I can’t wait for the Music Japan ep to see what happens over there! If I get anymore CBS…Okay, I am so out of here before I lose myself in the Mousou World!

Author: Black Gekikara

Love, Eat and sleep Yuri Hail Yukirin, Batman and Zack Snyder Long Live Horror

One thought on “What is this even…

  1. Sakura is nice and all but surely here the winner was the Sasshi/Yuki sillyness that was going on during the interview part, it was that type of silliness that just catches these two every now and again and it is A+ stuff every time it happens, brought a super massive smile to my face :)…….. Also that Mako, Mion, Naanya back line ❤

    As for Music Japan…. well…….. https://twitter.com/mayuyukodama/status/599961956980625410



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